aquarians:  Aquarius relationship compatibility with their Spouse - Times of India


For Aquarians, marriage may be a touch excessively conservative. However, this does not rule out the possibility of a long-term relationship for Aquarians. They simply go about things their own way. Because development is so important to this Aquarian, they expect their spouse to be inventive and broad-minded as well.
Aquarius signs are quite intelligent and rational, so they may easily discuss their thoughts with their spouse. The social or moral inhibitions of a spouse do not bind Aquarians. For example, Aquarius would feel stifled by a spouse who does not want to go out yet does not enjoy being abandoned and unattended. Aquarius enjoys deciphering riddles and overcoming mysteries, so their spouse’s layers of intricacy will pique their interest. Aquarians are always attracted to others who share their varied hobbies. This enables them to form a deep bond with their partner and ensures that they will never become bored with one other.
Aquarian spouses must be able to laugh at themselves and avoid the desire to take themselves too earnestly. Aquarians perceive their partners as cognitively and emotionally complicated, and they will feel obliged to solve their partner’s puzzles.
Aquarians in marriage will look for a partner that isn’t afraid to embark on their own excursions or pursue their hobbies, and they will want their spouse to do the same. In general, an Aquarian husband or wife may be an interesting marital partner and best ally in every way. The husband or wife of an Aquarian may have their own opinions, use their own beliefs, and share what is on their brain honestly with their partner.


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