Is it your birthday between 1 to 10 February? Check how the month will shape up


Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 01:

Ruled by number 1 and the planet Sun, you always believe in yourself and relied heavily on the decision you take for yourself. You might have to spend some more time alone but some ray of hope of an office affair will boost up your decreasing morale. Time to take advantage of your transparency and focused vision. You might become a good counselor. Hot blood will make you impulsive but you need to check it if want to excel in life. Your body will be in toned position, unwanted illness might come and go. September & October happiest months for you.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 02

Ruled by number 2 and the planet is Moon, your thrilling and spine-tingling nature will lift the downgrading spirits of the audience. You always talk to yourself, if you could do something more to increase the intensity of your love affair. Your financial status will be back on track through your sheer hard work. Desires and education are co-related and go hand in hand. Your smartness, greed for power, and holistic approach will iron out all the obstacles in your way. You always live with your dreams and got remarkably success-oriented stints. Productive time: February and March.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 03

Ruled by number 3 and Jupiter, flamboyancy and stewardship are what you have in your basket. The coming year will be lucky in terms of money and property matters. Though your kids and spouse would encourage you in all your professional endeavors, they would also demand quality time of yours, so try to maintain equilibrium between your personal and professional life. It is impossible to love and be wise, so show a little craziness to your romantic date or lover to impress more and more. Bachelors may taste the fruit of marriage but listen to your heart while selecting a life partner. December, January, March and April will bring fertile and desirous results.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 04

Ruled by number 4 and Uranus, perfect example of “Simple living high thinking”. Things will be on your way if going to sign for a deal. You examined the facts carefully before delving onto any task which depicts your versatility. Time to get returns from your long-time back investment. Feeling of hope and despair may surround you over a period of time. The air around you would be filled by love and affection of opposite sex who might turned out to be a special person in your life. “Hard work always pays” is what students need to comprehend before going for any test. Summer and commencing of monsoon will be fruitful for you: June and July.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 05

Ruled by number 5 and the Mercury, versatility makes you take the centre stage all the time. You need to be transparent and expressive while confronting your blood relatives. Your realistic and pragmatic approach will set standards for others. You have a special feeling for the poor and pitiful people. Favorable time for children to excel in their career. You need to open your eyes from all front before investing anywhere else liquidity might get stuck. Jaunting is high on your cards. You will be advised to spend time with your family members which will cement your bond with them more strongly. Concern related to ancestors’ health is in your mind all the time. If single, be ready to mingle. February and May will support you.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 06

Ruled by number 6 and Venus, you will act as ring master for your fraternity. Creativity is in your soul which makes you blossom everywhere. Be aware of the extra expenses that you might have to bear. An ongoing dialogue related to your business will take you a step further. You might feel some pressure of upholding your personal relations. You always believe in using your right of freedom to bless and build others up. Altruism is high on your agenda. Catch me if you chase is about to over related to your life partner. You are advised to follow the suggestion of your family doctor. You are keen to gauge on some religion to know more about them. October and November will be eventful for you.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 07

Ruled by number 7 and Neptune, you tend to unlock the cage in which you work and make yourself free from all the boundations. Love will find your way itself. Clashes of ego, love and disguise everything might be there for you from your family front, be careful. You must pay focus on the dictum “Diligence is the mother of good fortune”. End of dark season and success will come to you to kindle your career path. Goddess Luxmi will follow you wherever you go. You will set standards for others. Now your market value starts increasing, but have patience the growing pace would be slow. Winters will be beneficial for you as November and December.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 08

Ruled by number 8 and planet Saturn, you can cleverly improve yours competitive position. Work needs commitment and pride from your side. Your near and dear ones evince interest in you more than ever before. You act as the backbone for them to carry out their problems. You are a truce maker in your family. Time to know some life realities by moving out of the abode for job or for any other purpose. Extra source of income will track you and your coffers filled upto the brim. An affair is waiting for you. You are advised to strengthen your healthcare system quashing off the hazardous material. Beneficial time: August and September.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 09

Ruled by number 9 and planet Mars, bravery is in your soul which makes you fight against all your odds. You shed all your activeness to achieve what you always dreamt of to have. You are alike spider who loves to attain its target by putting on hard endeavors. You may seem to be far away from your love but if it’s yours then it will come to you automatically. Likely to host an exciting and relishing get together at your place. Pleasure to have some unforgettable moments with your kins in the year ahead. Characteristics of order and neatness will put your health free from disorders. Gauging a new course is on your wish list. April and May happiest months for you.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on February 10

Ruled by number 1 and the Sun, your autonomous thoughts and highly intellectual wiseness makes you distinguishable among the crowd. You never let your plans to be on paper only, rather execute them without anybody’s intervention. Because of choked in adamancy you may become a subject of avoidance for others and you feel this but never shows. On the flip side of life you might have some tensions which affect your peace of mind. Your contribution to your country would be unparalleled. A pleasing and cherishing date is waiting for you. You will start enjoying each and every moment of life from now. Boosting time period: February and March.



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