Is it your birthday between 1 to 5 January? Check how the month will shape up


Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 01:

Ruled by number 1 and the Sun. You are active, dynamic, authoritative, brilliant and a talented person. Meetings with world renowned delegates will be on your hit list. Now you will be in position to save for your future also. You will enjoy to be in the company of your spouse. Romance will take you to seventh heaven and you will forget all your worries. You strongly believe in God and might soon experience a visit to many sacred places. Interior designing and buildings will attract your attention. Full of events and happiness would be the month of September, December and May.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 02:

Ruled by number 2 and the Moon. You are active, smart, energetic, responsible, systematic and a friendly person. Have patience as your disputes related to law and order will take some more time to reach to any verdict. Your young one’s stars will take them to the new height of excellence. You will be satiate both from domestic and professional front. You will get lot of opportunities to raise your bar at your workplace, but be careful to avail all the chances. Effective and meaningful time for you would be November, March and June.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 03:

Ruled by number 3 and the planet Jupiter. You are a practical, energetic, business minded, brilliant and an optimistic person. Swimmers and athletes would scale new heights in their professional career. Pending legal matters would end satisfactorily, giving you mental relief. Chronic patients would need to take extra care of their health. Meditation and yoga would help immensely. Your investments will multiply and yield good profits. Matrimonial alliance for some towards the end of the year, while others would find romance to keep them going. July, November and February will prove highly significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 04:

Ruled by number 4 and the planet Uranus. You are generous, peace loving, dashing, systematic, disciplined, artistic character and introvert in nature.

Frequent and fruitful journeys will be undertaken bringing you desired results. Visit to a religious place or blessings from a spiritual person will be high on your agenda. Your outgoing nature will work to your advantage as you gain favours and benefits from important people. A property transaction or acquiring a new vehicle during this period seems likely. The months of October, November and March will bring prosperity.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 05:

Ruled by number 5 and the planet Mercury, you are active, intelligent, sensible, systematic and highly courageous. This year you are advised not to trust others on important issues. Sharing personal and secretive information will not be in your interest. A sudden influence of a spiritual person will bring remarkable change in your life. Your spouse and family members will be supportive to your concerns and provide you with love and affection. Distant journeys, maybe overseas for some will fetch favorable returns. The atmosphere at office will require you to handle important jobs with more responsibility. The months of November, January and April will prove to be significant.



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