Aquarius Daily Horoscope for August 17, 2022: Don't rely on people


AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19) Finding all of your old, lost things is easy today! Today, keep your eyes wide open because you never know when you’ll find that one thing you assumed was lost forever and be able to let out a huge sigh of relief. Do not rely on people lightly; rather, get to know them first. Spend some time with them and get to know them thoroughly. Your diplomacy and tact ensure that you stay in your employer’s good graces and thwart the bad intents of your competitors. There can be a lot going on at home that keeps you hopping from one thing to another. Fortunately, your strong health will allow you to get through the day with little effort. Your heart will be overflowing with joy and excitement as you experience the feeling of beginning a new period of your life. Spending more time with your spouse, if you’re married, will help your connection with them.

Aquarius Finance Today Much to your delight, something you thought you had lost forever will turn up today. You’ll have plenty to be happy about financially as long as you continue to earn a respectable income from your profession and investments.

Aquarius Family Today Some of you could feel alienated and disoriented at home. You’ve been feeling down lately, and it’s conceivable that this is because of problems in your family relationships.

Aquarius Career Today You know exactly how to deal diplomatically and tactfully with your adversaries. At work, your rivals will take advantage of any chance to criticize you in front of your superiors. Keep them from succeeding. But you manage these tricky circumstances with ease.

Aquarius Health Today You can manage a busy schedule with ease if you are in good health and have enough of energy. However, remember to schedule some leisure time in the evening to give it the much-needed rest.

Aquarius Love Life Today This day can be used to your advantage to advance your romantic relationships. If you and your loved one are engaged, you can set the wedding date right now. You can ask your family for their blessings and discuss the wedding date with them in order to have a happy and fruitful marriage.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Peach

By: -, Shri Kashi Pandit Jyotish Upasna Kindra

(Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist & Vastu Consultant)

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