Aquarius Horoscope Today: Predictions for April 5


AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

You are calm and yet very impulsive at times. You need to take extra precautions while dealing with the very situation in your life. Remember that you have the calibre and you can conquer the world with your compassion and love towards your fellow beings. You have always been a leader and you enjoy teamwork with your juniors and seniors alike. You love hanging around with like-minded people and enjoy enriching conversation. You are an optimistic soul who is filled with unending energy and enthusiasm. You have always been concentrating on solutions and not problems and this makes a leader in the true sense. If you are planning to take a break, you can opt for a holiday to a spiritual place with the senior members of your family. Buying a property within the limits of the city can be a profitable deal if done with proper calculation.

Aquarius Finance Today 

You can get ready for some good news from your banker. The day will be great as your money matters will see good growth. You are advised to save more. You must avoid splurging on parties and gifts. You can invest most of your money in the share market after studying the trends of the market properly.

Aquarius Family Today 

Get ready to spend a day out with your parents. Today, you will consider giving them a treat and they have a great time. The arrival of a new family member will bring happiness to your family. The new member will be the center of attraction and will spread good vibes all around. 

Aquarius Career Today 

You need to find out more ways of being productive and constructive. You always wanted to excel in whatever you do. You are advised to stop overburdening yourself and think practically and set achievable goals. You need to adopt positive behaviour at the workplace. 

Aquarius Health Today 

The advice of a senior family member will prove beneficial and protect you against minor health issues. Those who have been suffering from any kind of nasal infection will also get relief from home remedies.

Aquarius Love Life Today

If you are planning to tie the knot you can finalize a date. You can surprise your partner and the day special for her/him. Enjoy the day and start the preparations for your weddings. Your happiness will know no bond today. 

Lucky Number:

Lucky Colour: White


By: -, Shri Kashi Pandit Jyotish Upasna Kindra

(Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist & Vastu Consultant)

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