Love and Relationship Horoscope for February 13, 2022


Aries: It is a favourable time to introspect where your desires have led you in recent times. Don’t involve yourself with anything that doesn’t make you feel good. Don’t drag a relationship which is past its shelf life. Be prepared to make a new beginning. Those committed will find a strong emotional intimacy with their partner.

Taurus: Take responsibility for your past actions. You are at your best when you strive to improve. Sit back and explore where you have applied too much pressure on your partner because of which things have blown up so much. You have another chance to get it right, but you must not bring up ego issues. Acceptance is the first step.

Gemini: You need to relate with your loved ones. The greater you are aware about your partner’s behaviour, the better chance you have to make this relationship stable. You should remain hopeful in spite of the issues you may have faced in the past. Aim to nurture healthy relationships whether you are single or committed.

Cancer: Don’t hide your feelings today and speak up. There could be some closely-guarded secrets that you may want to share with your partner. Let it out and you will find a great sense of relief and joy. This will create some fresh memories which you will cherish for a long time. Your partner will respect you even more after this.

Leo: Your personal life is becoming interesting with each passing day. You will be inclined to spend the day with your partner and seek assurance about yourself as well as the relationship. Seek advice of your loved ones wherever required. Those committed can plan for a joint decision-making on matters relating to home and family.

Virgo: You are slowing getting back into your groove after a hectic work life. You will regain your energy and look to spend time with your loved one. You will be willing to extend your emotional support and do the needful to keep the romance going. The more your partner connects with you, the better you will feel.

Libra: You are likely to be in a dreamy state and can be distracted from the reality today. There could be confrontation within you regarding how a situation is in your love life and how you want it to be. Your love life may be getting in the way of fulfilling your social responsibilities. Revisit, reflect and reassess your priorities.

Scorpio: Keep things simple and stay grounded. You will feel the urge to listen to your heart today which can create some unwanted situations in your love life. You need to set boundaries to avoid complications. Those in a relationship need to figure out what their heart wants and avoid being too objective while dealing with their partner.

Sagittarius: It is one of those days when your long-term goals could interfere with your belief system. If things feel uncertain in your love life, take a step back and let them unfold naturally. Do not be in a rush to take things forward. Speak to your partner and express your insecurities. Married couples should avoid acting bossy.

Capricorn: You need to assert yourself when it comes to matters relating to love. Don’t wait for the right moment as there will be none. Seize the moment and express your opinions strongly and take a firm stand on what you think is right. Married natives need to express their feelings to their partner else they can be misunderstood for being cold.

Aquarius: You seem to be carrying some pain in your heart which hasn’t been wiped out yet. You come across as an independent person in your love life, but it may be a garb to deflect your fear of rejection. People close to you are only trying to help you rediscover yourself. Pay attention to the feedback you receive from people you love.

Pisces: You can reconnect with someone from your past with whom you haven’t spoken for a long time. It could be over a casual discussion, but it will ignite memories from the past which can make you emotional. But don’t decide in this state of mind and let this feeling pass. Think well before you decide to reconnect with that person.



*Predictions are based on Moon sign

Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779






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