Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for February 13-February 19


ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Love: King of Coins

Mood: Justice

Career: Hierophant

Sensible Aries are going to have a wonderful week ahead. Homemade recipes may be your best bet if you are inclined to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Older people are likely to depend on their pension for a suddenly arrived expense. Those who work on a contract basis are likely to get a client with deep pockets. Avoid family melodrama to restore your peace of mind at home. Those who have been hurt in love are likely to meet someone who will take care of their heart. Long distance travel plans should better be shelved or postponed for the time being. Hiring some property management agencies would be better to ease your burden.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Lavender

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

Love: Three of Wands

Mood: The Hanged man

Career: The Chariot

Give your week a fresh start by redoing some interiors of your office or house. It is likely to jazz up your whole mood and probably bring positive changes to your life. Self-regulate your unreasonable food cravings as they are just unwanted extra calories. Investing in your retirement account is the wise choice you may make this week. Upholding the family values will make your stature even bigger amongst your relatives and family members. Your lover may surprise you with your favorite dinner and a movie. You may spend your weekend creating memories and capturing moments worth remembering.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Forest Green

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Love: Three of Cups

Mood: Temperance

Career: The Tower

People engaged in an import-export business, are likely to observe profits. At the workplace, you may bag an important project. Your progeny will be the source of your happiness. A possessive lover may make you feel special sometimes but you may just feel caged as well – the best way would be to express those feelings or it may upset you more. Take special care of your health this week as your motion sickness may alleviate due to all the travelling. Purchasing an electronic item for home is on the cards. Some of you may be in a mood to refurnish an old property. A family event or get together would allow you to live up to the moment.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Light Red

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Love: The Fool

Mood: King of Wands

Career: Judgment

Good health is promised but you may experience morning sickness. Your decision to start investing in mutual funds may benefit you immensely in future. Your profits may be huge. Meeting deadlines and commitment to work may earn laurels at work. Spending time with children would help you understand their perspective better. Love is all about being flexible and not being manipulative – make sure to do not fall prey to someone’s ill intentions. Travel plans likely to proceed with full vigor. Meeting property vendors to purchase your dream home makes your search easier. Interior designers are likely to have an amazing weekend concerning money.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Beige

LEO (July 23-August 23)

Love: Devil

Mood: Temperance

Career: The Chariot

Mental peace is crucial and the key to having excellent health. Your spiritual retreat has put you in a prime condition. You may get compensated for a bad service you received at a hotel. The black sheep in your family may take everyone by surprise by excelling at their career. Love life may undergo tough time but nothing that you cannot take care of. Some of you may quench your adventure thirst by picking up some water sports on a trip. Buying some jewelry appears to be on your cards. Putting consistent efforts to convince boss about something prestigious would see good results eventually.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Chocolate

VIRGO (August 24-September 23)

Love: Two of Coins

Mood: The Justice

Career: The Emperor

There is no force that can deter you from getting what you desire. If you put your heart into it, you can move mountains. Apply the same while working with your team at the office. Any ailments you had are likely to disappear for good. Those in business may enjoy an increment in the return of investments. A family youngster’s achievement is likely to make the domestic front bright and happy. Those singles are likely to connect with someone like-minded. Your fridge magnets may remind you of the exciting vacations you had in the past but it is advised to refrain from travelling for now.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey

LIBRA (September 24-October 23)

Love: Five of Coins

Mood: The Sun

Career: Ace of Wands

The week is likely to be a merry go round for you. Take a little time daily to pamper yourself. There may be some irregularities in the balance sheet of your company. However, there is no intent of malice in it. On the professional front, you may have to hold a conference on a pertinent issue. Young members in the family may successfully plan a surprise, resulting in an impromptu celebration. The person you are attracted to may already have some reservations about love. Avoid pushing them for it – but give them some time. You may collect memorable souvenirs from your travels. Run background checks on potential tenants before leasing your property.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

SCORPIO (October 24-November 22)

Love: Two of Swords

Mood: Two of Coins

Career: The Magician

The week is full of positivity for you and you may feel as if you are looking at life through the rose-tinted glasses. What can be better than having your feelings returned in double. The one you love is likely to love you back. Take extra care of your health as headache or gastric troubles are likely to trouble you on and off. Those planning to launch their startups – should run through the check lists once again under the guidance of someone experienced. Those working in the corporate sector are likely to find the week more hectic than expected.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Golden Brown

SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21)

Love: Three of Wands

Mood: The World

Career: The Chariot

Love has come to your rescue again. You may be extremely lucky with love this week. Even the financial hitch won’t halt your joyride. Some of you may travel to an exotic place this week. Those looking at a salary increment at the workplace are likely to hear about the possibilities soon. Correcting your sitting postures will help you get rid of the back ache that has been troubling you for some time now. The use of herbs in your daily diet may help you feel refreshing. Booking a vehicle is possible for some. Rearranging your important financial documents may be on your mind.

Lucky Number: 15

Lucky Colour: Sea Green

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 21)

Love: The Fool

Mood: The Magician

Career: Three of Swords

Your body needs to be in its innate balance for you to feel upbeat and energetic. Those in the vacay mode – cards advise you to live in the moment and cherish it. Those who have been staying away from the families may crave to meet them. Casual dating may only give you short term happiness but may not help you look for a soul mate. Those who have recently appeared for job interviews may hear regarding the offer or joining dates in the second half of the week. Shifting the residence is possible for some. Investment planned for the long turn would be profitable at this juncture.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Orange

AQUARIUS (January 22-February 19)

Love: The Star

Mood: The Hermit

Career: Seven of Coins

Say no to regrets in life if you want to grow as a person. Every decision you have taken, good or bad has brought you here and made you who you are today. Regretting that is like wanting to give up the wisdom of experience. The love of your life feels the same. Listen to them and move up in life. They are likely to be there by your side. Health insurance will be a good thing to buy this week if you haven’t already. Financially things appear to be better than what it has been over the past few weeks. Work load may increase for some. Students are likely to perform better now.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Chocolate

PISCES (February 20-March 20)

Love: The Sun

Mood: Knight of Swords

Career: Strength

A senior may be minutely observing your moves at the work front. Make sure you only radiate promptness and efficacy in the things you submit in writing. Students should not hesitate in looking for guidance about the topics that they aren’t thorough with. Hiring a caretaker for an ailing family elder would be a step in the right direction. Marrying the one you love appears bright on the cards – so you can move ahead and discuss your relationship with your family elders. Children may require attention that cannot be avoided. Avoid skipping your regular medication and try to build a fitness routine to start benefitting on the health front.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey



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