Birthday Thoughts for these signs from Aug 10 to 31st Aug 2022


Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 10 Governed by the number 1 and the Sun, Sacrifice and care for the needy, is what gives you ultimate satisfaction. You will have to learn to control this trait. Trivial matters may disturb you. Learn to relax and let small matters sort themselves out on their own. This will keep you away from stress and strain. Your personality will attract the opposite sex. You do not like many people around you. But you will be able to make few but good friends, in the coming year. You will be prepared to do your best for your friends and loved ones. The months of July, September and November will be very eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 11 Governed by the number 2, you are also governed by the planet Moon. Those of you in business are likely to undertake important projects, and achieve success in the same. Systematic and sincerity, will lead you to newer heights of success, in your professional front, in the year ahead of you. An ability to be good at anything that you undertake is likely to catch the attention of your seniors, and you will be rewarded for your efforts. The year ahead of you, will be financially profitable. The months of July, November and January will be very significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 12 You are governed by the number 3 and by the planet Jupiter. Those of you in the writing field will reach newer heights of success, in the year ahead of you. You also tend to become a little selfish at times. Hard working by nature, you are also sincere and honest to your work. Any job, undertaken by you will be done to perfection, in the year ahead of you. This will bring you fame and recognition. You will be able to make the right decisions in important matters. This is not very well received by your friends. The months of June, December and March will be very important.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 13 Governed by the number 4, you are also governed by the planet Uranus. You are firm in your words and deeds. An introvert by nature, you do not exhibit your feelings easily. Those of you, who are to be married this year, can expect to achieve success and happiness in your married life. You tend to worry too much over small matters. Learn to relax and let small matters sort out themselves. This will help you to keep away from stress and strain. The months of April, August and January will be very significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 14 You are governed by the number 5 and ruled by the planet Mercury. Your dynamic personality makes you the center of attraction in any social gathering. You will have to be careful about respiratory infections. But care and precaution, will help you to overcome your health ailments, without much difficulty. Your lucky jewels are emerald, pearl and diamond and you should wear these to attain happiness and prosperity. The months of July, October and January will be very significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 15 You are governed by the number 6 and the planet Venus. You are cooperative by nature and will go all out to maintain peace and harmony at work, as well as the domestic front. This will be an added asset to you. Those of you, who are single, can expect to find their life partner, in the year ahead of you. Also, marriage will bring you happiness as well as prosperity. You will be tempted to play high stakes in gambling, and you should be careful where to draw the line. The months of May, September and January will be very eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on : 16 You are dominated by the planet Neptune. You will enjoy your work and go to the depth of any project that you undertake. The domestic front will be full of happiness and peace. Most of you do well as lawyers, because you have the ability to put forward your arguments. Honour, prestige and dignity, will be all yours, in the year ahead of you. The months of June, October and December will be very significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 17 You are governed by the number 8 and the planet Saturn. Your creative ideas and hard work will bring success to you, in your professional front, in the year ahead of you. You can expect to see plans and projects, being fulfilled to perfection. You desire to achieve the best and nothing but the best, for yourself in life. But you will be cold towards sentiments and emotions of others. You are not led away by tears or emotions. The months of June, September and February will be very important.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 18 You are governed by the number 9 and dominated by the planet Mars. You are courageous by nature and can face any eventuality, which may come your way. Your sharp memory and a practical approach, will make those of you in business achieve success, in the year ahead of you. You will reach newer heights of excellence. At times you tend to get too obstinate and impetuous. The month of June, October, February will be eventful months.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 19 Governed by the number 1 and the Sun, Generosity and courtesy, are two distinct qualities of your nature. In the coming year, you will leave no stone unturned, in fulfilling your responsibilities. Your communication skills will draw the attention of your bosses and you will be able to impress them with your views and knowledge of various subjects and issues. You will be able to do this to the satisfaction of your loved ones. The months of May, October and November will be very eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 20 Governed by the number 2, you are also dominated by the planets Moon. Your enthusiasm in anything that you do makes you a center of attraction at any social gathering. Those of you, who are pursuing your studies, you are advised to try and put in your full concentration in whatever you are doing. This will bring out the best in you and you will be rewarded with flying colors. You are full of life and energy. Your lucky colors are gold, yellow and green. The months of July, September and November will be very eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 21 You are governed by the number 3 and by the planet Jupiter. Full of self-confidence and determination, the year ahead of you, promises to be a successful one, as far as your professional career is concerned. Those of you in the media or the teaching line can expect to reach newer heights of excellence in the coming year. Proximity, to a water body will be of utmost important to you. Your concern for the oppressed will makes you do a lot of charity work. The months of August and January will be very significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 22 Governed by the number 4, you are also governed by the planet Uranus, You are intellectual and ambitious by nature. Getting restless over small matters, will only add to your stress. Most of you are likely to travel a lot in the coming year. Visit to pilgrimages is not ruled out. You will enjoy a hectic social life. In the coming year, those of you in the field of education and administration can expect to reach newer heights of excellence. The months of July, September and November would prove to be highly significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 23 You are governed by the number 5 and dominated by the planet Mercury. Financially it is going to be a good year, for most of you. You will overcome obstacles in professional life, very easily. You will be moving in an intellectual crowd, in the year ahead of you. This will help you both in your professional career, and also allow you to enjoy a good social life. Your ambitious nature, coupled with your good luck, will take you to newer heights of success, in the year ahead of you. Money matters will be of no worry to you. The months of July, September and November will be very eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 24 You are governed by the number 6 and the planet Venus. You are shrewd in your day to day dealing in life. You will be able to impress your clients with your impressing personality and conversations skills. Social life will be full of fun and happiness, in the coming year. You can expect to have many friends around you. Philosophy and religion will interest you. Your sharp mind and shrewd attitude will bring success to you in your business field, in the year ahead of you. The months of May, June, September and February would be highly significant and productive.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 25 You are dominated by the planet Neptune, Art and beauty are a part of your life. Your personality will draw friends towards you. You are a faithful friend, and those in need of help, look to you for advice and solace. The coming year, will be a good one financially. You will earn a lot of money, and will be able to afford to buy the luxuries of life. Any expression of art fascinates you. You take it to an extent of making it your business as well Music, art, love and fun – all these will surround you in the year ahead of you. The month of April, June, October, February will be eventful months.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 26 You are governed by the number 8 and the planet Saturn. You like to fly free, and that is just what you are going to do – be free of customs and orthodox views. You are reserved by nature and like to spend time alone. You would rather read books, alone at home, than socialize with friends. Your shrewd nature will allow you to success in business. You will not follow customs and traditions, in the coming year. The months of May, September, November and January will be very significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 27 You are governed by the number 9 and dominated by the planet Mars. You will be full of energy and new ideas, to successfully implant new projects and plans, in the year ahead of you. Your methodical approach to your work, coupled with your sense of duty, will take you to newer heights of excellence, in the year ahead of you. The ability to study and judge, both sides of an issue, will be an added asset to you at work. The months of September, November and February will be very significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 28 You are governed by the number 1 and the Sun. Full of courage, dashing ness, you are a born warrior. Your inborn ability to tackle subjects like science and mathematics will draw a lot of attention and praise from those around you. You will not let any obstacle come your way. But sometimes, you tend to jump to rushed decisions. You try to undertake projects, which may be too big for you to handle alone. Try not to be egoistic and overestimate your strength and capabilities. Months of May, October and January will be very significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 29 Governed by the number 2, you are also governed by the Moon. You are blessed with many qualities. Intelligent and bright, you do well in your educational career. The ability to study a subject with keen interest, with an added capacity to put it into practice, will take you to the height of success, professionally. Your practical approach to your work, will bring laurels for you, from your seniors. Your ability to work well with your colleagues, will be well received by your Bosses. The months of April, July, November and January will be highly productive for you.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August: 30 You are governed by the number 3 and by the planet Jupiter. Full of imagination, you appear to be dreamy, sometimes. You will travel a lot. This will mainly be related to your work. You are able to draw friends towards you. A perfect executor of plans, your Bosses will rely on you for completing big projects. In the coming year, your ability to complete big plans and projects to perfect will bring you success in your related fields. Honour and prestige will be yours in the coming year. The months of May, September, December and February will be result oriented.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on August 31: Governed by the number 4, you are also governed by the planet Uranus. Your ambitious nature, coupled with your confidence, will help you to achieve success in your professional field, in the year ahead of you. You will be able to charm, those around you, with your communication skills. In love matters, you will be hesitant to take the first step, till you are sure of a positive response. The months of July, October, September and November would prove to be highly significant.



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