Career Horoscope for Sep 29, 2022: These zodiacs may reap rewards soon


Aries: Your rising bank balance may be cause for self-congratulation as you bask in the sunshine of your recent professional triumphs. Provided you keep up the good job and keep your positive and hopeful outlook, this pattern should continue for some time. Right now, it’s important that your relationships with those around in your workplace be exceptionally warm and loving. Make the most of the day.

Taurus: The blood, sweat, and tears you’ve invested in your work have paid off, and now you may reap the rewards. At last, the powers that be look favourably upon you. Get everything that’s been piling up done, because now is the moment to ask for and receive privileges. Rarely do people have such favourable possibilities presented to them, especially by those who hold all the cards.

Gemini: When you’re feeling enthusiastic, it’s only natural to want to rush through things and get it over with as quickly as possible. If you get a financial windfall, you might be able to put it toward a home improvement project. Something as simple as new furniture or a complete overhaul could be on the agenda. Don’t wear yourself out with overtime. You’re going to need all your energy stores for the next day.

Cancer: Loss of motivation could lead to unfavourable outcomes in one’s career. It’s possible that you’re experiencing intellectual lethargy that’s making it hard to make headway on some professional topics, even though you know the answers to most of them. Remain level-headed; you’ve got all the data you need to make a good judgement. You still have time to carefully explore your options, though.

Leo: You are going to require the assistance of the other members of your team, so assemble all of your abilities in the areas of team building and motivating, and call a meeting of the entire group. After you have clearly communicated what you need from them and what you anticipate from them, provide them with the support they require to finish the job. Shower the deserving with appreciation.

Virgo: It’s not a good idea to rule out any potential professional opportunities just yet. A recent connection may approach you today with a fascinating business proposition. Maybe today is your lucky day and they’re in the mood to help you out with some favours. You should think long and hard about their offer because it has the potential to open up new doors for your career.

Libra: Good fortune and fresh starts are here to stay, so enjoy them while you can. A sudden and unexpected promotion or shift in your field of work could significantly boost your salary. The unexpected departure of a high-ranking official can open doors for those on the cusp of advancement. Unwind, take it easy, and let your hope and excitement for the future out.

Scorpio: Do your best to adapt to the unexpected challenges today. You won’t get very far if you refuse to let go of obligations and alliances that aren’t helping your professional development. It may be difficult, but you should think about changing the foundations of your current arrangements. Adapting to new, unanticipated demands can be a challenge, but the rewards can be well worth the effort.

Sagittarius: Now you can put your well-thought-out schemes into actionable form. You can expect certain reliable outcomes with respect to your work or company. Nearly everything you try will succeed, but only if you focus your energy at the correct time. Your interactions with the seniors will be positive. However, at times, there can be a lack of focus in your thoughts leading to confusion.

Capricorn: Making changes is the key to finding great success. There’s a chance that you’re onto something special that deserves more exploration. Consider long-term viability when you create your dream project or develop your idea. If you want your efforts to be irrefutably successful, you should keep certain issues in mind while you reorganise the framework of your project. Examine the long-term prospects first.

Aquarius: There will be a direct correlation between your efforts and the success you experience in your chosen field. However, you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions; instead, think everything out carefully. Only your own effort will lead to professional achievement. You will be endowed with boundless vitality and strength, allowing you to gracefully accomplish any task you set for yourself.

Pisces: Discover how can you devote to efficiency in your professional life. It’s possible that you’re a touch too hard on yourself for not always being able to stick to your own personal, ideal work schedule and routine. Relax into your usual method of working instead than trying to change it because you think it’s strange. It’s possible that not everyone will benefit from the same methods you’ve found to be effective.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779



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