Horoscope Today, 2 January 2023: Check astrological prediction of your zodiac sign - Times of India


The daily horoscope is determined by the position of the moon and sun. A person’s personality is determined by the traits and characteristics given in his horoscope. How would you feel if you come to know what’s going to happen throughout the whole day before starting your day in the morning? Horoscopes give us a hint about all the things that we are going to face for the entire day.
Read the daily predictions given below for each horoscope to find out what is in store for you today in your luck.
Aries daily horoscope Jan 2: Today elder’s blessing the help you and you may develop patience. Your focus may be come back, it may help you to achieve your goals. You, may perform well in terms of business and domestic life. There may be some balance between expenditures and savings. It may boost your savings.
Taurus daily horoscope Jan 2: Today some dissatisfaction may come into your mind, you may feel lazy and dull, it affects your current speed of the project or work in terms of delay. Love birds are advised to avoid any important decision in terms of marriage. Job seeker may get disappointments in terms of interviews.
ALSO READ: Monthly prediction for all Zodiac signs
Gemini daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, your internal power may make you happy, you may get short gains in terms of investments. You may make good relation with your boss. You may have some promotions. Your prestige in the society may be increased. You may also expect some work related travels.
Cancer daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, you may be blessed by moon. You may get some high position after your hard work. Your performance in the work may be improved. You may also meet some influential person, who may give you a good direction to improve your life. may manage your domestic issues very easily, which may boost harmony in the domestic life.
ALSO READ: Yearly prediction for all Zodiac signs
Leo daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, you may be happy, things may be somehow better. You may plan to visit some religious place, it may give you inner strength. You may also donate some amount to religious place or to charity. You may expect some overseas travel in terms of education or work. Couples may get their suitable match. Singles are likely to find soul mate.
Virgo daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, you may feel dull, your health may not be good. You may be arrogant, it may affect people around you. To maintain harmony in domestic life, it is advised to control your harsh speaking. Also avoid to make new investment, otherwise they will convert into dead stock.
Libra daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, good day for you, investors may get good gains in their investments, it may boost your financial health. Money which was stuck, may be recovered, it may increase liquidity in the business. You may become confident and control over hidden enemies and opponents. Singles will likely find their match in the same field or work place.
Scorpio daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, you may feel healthy, your old dieses may be cured now. You may here some good news from your near relative. You may perform well in the office, your colleague may help you in any critical project. You may develop faith in your subordinate staff. It may increase your prestige among society. You may also hear good news in some legal matter.
Sagittarius daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, you may feel your life becomes challenging, you may take some advises from your elders to sustain in the given situation. You need to keep patience. Kids education also make you upset, you may have short trip in terms of kids academics. Investors are advised to avoid speculation before making any investments.
Capricorn daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, you will be victim of dissatisfaction, you may not get result of your hard work, it may give disappointment. You are advised to read documents carefully before a new contract. Investment in the assets may also possible. You are advised follow your intuition before making investments in the fixed assets.
Aquarius daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, you may be busy in social get together and family occasions. It may increase your network. You may also plan for a work related short travel. Disputes between siblings will be resolved now. Your subordinates may cooperate you to complete a difficult project. Your confidence may be high. You are advice to keep patience while interacting with any person.
Pisces daily horoscope Jan 2: Today, you may be busy in family get together, you may become polite with the people around you, which may increase your image among your relatives and friends. You will spend money in buying some artefacts, other stuffs which will improve your social status. You may hear some good news from one of your close relative.
, Shri Kashi Pandit Jyotish Upasna kendra, is a kashi-based sansthan expert in astrology, numerology, palmistry, and Vastu. He is also an expert in Jain Temple Vastu and Jain Jyotish. Over the last several years, he has consulted clients from the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, the UK, Australia, Turkey, France, Italy, South Africa, and Germany.


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