Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 11


All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

A blessing from heaven is on Aries. People living in a rented place may find an opportunity to buy a new home. It would be better if you remain silent and mind your own business and not fall into unnecessary family drama. Take care of your relationship with co-workers as you do not want to be side-lined at your office. Keep enhancing your mental health by meditation, yoga and different other kinds of exercises.

Love Focus: Today you may go on an outstanding trip with your partner that will make your day sparkle

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Light Red

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

Your overall day may turn out to be great with your family. Especially for those who have planned for family tours. You are likely to see some amount of gains from your holdings. The disagreements that you hold with your family members might come to an end and a celebration might be planned. It is important that you stay strong to face any sort of career setbacks today. People troubled by the chaotic minds may find relief today. 

Love Focus: Marriages are made in heaven! As the saying goes your time is definitely going to come to step into a romantic relationship with your life partner.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Bluish Green

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

You can look forward to a happy time in your workplace. A much more strategic planning may be required to get rich. You may have to advance your financial planning. Geminis may have to control your arrogance and develop some sort of gratitude towards your family members. Some of you may be of good help to your co-workers and shall be responsible for relieving their burden. Enjoy the vibe Geminis!

Love Focus: Your relationship may be taken to the next level if both of you are ready for it.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Light Blue

Cancer (Jun 22-July 22)

You are so stubborn that once you make up your mind, you shall stop only when you achieve something phenomenal. You may find your parents attention and get back to your happy atmosphere. There could be a rush of new clients or cases falling at your desk which might keep you busy for the whole day. Health is wealth as the proverb defines; keep up your motto of giving preference to your health.

Love Focus: A romantic moment may cloud you and a cherished talk may come to light in the dark.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Forest Green

Leo (July 23-August 23)

Leos are very ambitious and focused. Business people may receive approval for your pending projects. Today you may get an opportunity to be invited to a luxurious party with your loved ones. Your dedication and handwork might allow perks today. You can expect leadership opportunities at your workplace. You may also feel restless but make sure you do not panic. Staying calm is going to keep you at peace today.

Love Focus: Today you may not like your life partner for not being sensible and understanding.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Royal Blue

Virgo (August 24-September 23)

Your overall day looks fabulous with great travel opportunities. Following up on your financial plans may help you approach success. Today you may get a surprise visit from your family members. Key decisions taken in your career will yield a positive result. If you are looking for a new opportunity, you can expect a good offer. If you are feeling chronically moody or irritated, listen to soothing music to make yourself feel light.

Love Focus: You are capable to show that you have a million reasons to smile and laugh.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Electric Grey

Libra (September 24-October 23)

Libras are loyal to their friends and believe in long-lasting relationships. People planning to have their laying stone ceremony for a newly owned property are not advised to carry it out today. Give it time and time will heal anything that is holding you back from your family. Put your heart and soul into your current work and success shall come in search of you. Your mental conditions are possibly going to be stable soon.  

Love Focus: You may finally decide to settle down with your partner and make the right decision.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour:  Light Brown

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

Scorpios are very polite and generous beings who find it hard to say no to people. Properties you are looking out to include in your asset list might be available at an affordable price. Fascinating Scorpios, your time with your family may bring immense joy and pleasure today. Most of you will be able to complete all the pending works at your desk today. Keeping a balance between your exercising activity and dietary intake is likely to help you remain healthy. 

Love Focus: Give some more time into your relationship as it does not seem to be a great time to propose.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Electric Grey

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

You are always one step ahead in reaching out to others. Loans for spreading out the branches of the stores may be permitted on this Lucky day. You could feel overridden by your work, but the affection you receive from your dear ones will set you free. The interview that you might have to attend might end up well. It is advisable for Sagittarians to stay away from pets as of today.

Love Focus:  Newly wedded couples may find beautiful moments to cherish.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Light Red

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

A beautiful day may be expected by Capricorns today. You must choose the right kind of investment by analyzing the risk factors. Share your feelings with your family, and receive appropriate guidance before you decide upon your own. It will be a satisfactory day at work as you have an attachment towards your work responsibilities. Make sure you avoid cheesy and greasy food from the street-side as it can upset your stomach.

Love Focus: Some of you hold a good chance to hit the dance floor and have fun with your girlfriend.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Baby Pink

Aquarius (January 22-February 19)

Aquarians are goal-oriented people, who believe in themselves. You may expect to be approached by good investment service companies and may receive satisfying guidance to indulge in asset creation. You might get an event to attend where you might spend some quality time with your relatives. You might be doing well but you may have to put some more effort to reach your fancy destinations. Some of you might get good reports related to your healthcare system.

Love Focus: A very special date may be waiting for you to make your bond very powerful and lustrous.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Yellow

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

Pisces are the best at bringing positive differences in the lives of people. Investments done through RETES are likely to get on the favourable side. Fantastic! You are going to totally enjoy your family time. Anyone who is trying to open a Café or an Ice-Cream parlour may have to wait for further days to get started with it. Hope for the best things to happen and keep your mind at peace. 

Love Focus:  Gift your partner, take out for dinner.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Light Blue

(Prem Kumar Sharma, Manisha Koushik can be contacted at +91 9216141456, +91 9716145644; Email: psharma@premastrologer.com, support@askmanisha.com)

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