Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 18


All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Be patient use that wild restless energy to channel it into organizing and doing something productive. Things will go planned on the financial front with a good time to invest. Aries for you your family will be the anchor, the port in the storm, a refuge and a happy place. Feel proud and accomplished for your achievements. It may take some effort to work out is what can keep you away from being lazy. 

Love Focus: You will have smooth sailing, just stay focused! 

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Purple

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

You are a deeply kind and loving person and this is evident in your countenance. Good times may not be with you now but you will definitely meet them in the days ahead. Remember the bond that links you with your family is not of blood, but of respect. Dress well and match the aura that heaven has blessed you with. The glow of good health comes through good exercise, buddy!

Love Focus: The journey may not be an easy one, but it will surely give you the best view.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Peach

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

All that you need is to reconnect with yourself and work for the ‘change’. The cosmic energies are not supportive at the time so avoid taking any risks. Problems may make you disturbed but it doesn’t mean you have to take your stress out on your family. Remember to comment with your colleagues and give compliments as this can earn you a few points more. Congratulations on achieving the actual harmony.

Love Focus: Be ready, your partner is soon going to give you a big surprise.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Pink

Cancer (Jun 22-July 22)

Your extreme sense of passion and loyalty is what attracts others towards you. Pay a little attention to the misbalance in your financial equilibrium and bring it to a stop. Plan something exciting and enjoyable and reignite the fire of family love.  Your professionalism speaks through your work. Be the same and you will soon get your hands on your dream project. Focus on your health too, eat nuts and relax your shoulders and backbone.

Love Focus:  If your vibes match things can work out great.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Green

Leo (July 23-August 23)

Remember planning is easy starting is hard, sustaining is the most difficult.  It’s time to fulfil the dreams you were not able to due to lack of funds. The elders will shower you with blessing the young ones with love. Remember a smart person never opens up their cards beforehand wait patiently and handle matters gracefully. Take a few steps more and grab the health shield you have worked hard for.

Love Focus: Full of cute ideas and lovely plans you never fail to impress your partner and make them fall for you again and again.

Lucky Number: 15

Lucky Colour: Peach

Virgo (August 24-September 23)

Life is strange with its twist and turns, as it can sometimes make us learn. Spending on maintaining equals to new investment. Prepare a special thanksgiving to show your gratitude for the support and love. No worries you are a tree strong enough to thrive in the deadliest conditions. Remember to eat healthily and have the energy to face the storms or you may collapse. Have a balanced diet and avoid eating junk or you may fall ill. 

Love Focus: The vulture of love is all set to grab you in its claws, Virgo.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour:   Orange

Libra (September 24-October 23)

Try to understand the whole life not just a part of it. To avoid having a big fat loss be calculative about your decisions and you will find a breakthrough. Value your decisions but there is nothing wrong to listen to others advice. Just focus on the work in your hands and leave the rest of the things behind. As healthy as a May morning is the vibe for the day.

Love Focus: The heavens are directing you to the path that can lead to your happiness.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Sandy Brown

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

Your sacred space is where Can find yourself over and over again. The light purse will soon feel like a heavy curse for you. Overspending is what land you in such a dire situation. Someone in the family may have some health issues that need immediate attention. The universe is conveying an important message to you, Scorpio. It’s time you let go of your lazy hideous side and come forward to do the hard labour. If working to balance your weight then remember big things take time to happen.

Love Focus: Find your true feelings first as a hurried decision can create huge problems in the future.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Sandy Brown

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

If you have a dream don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed. Those involved in art-related works or creative works may soon earn a huge amount. The difference in point of view may cause clashes. It’s good to believe in your principles but it doesn’t mean you can criticize others. Take a short break, stretch out a little and it’s finally time that you can take deep breathes. Don’t forget to carry your first aid kit with you.

Love Focus:  Some hidden secrets may soon come to the surface resulting in fights and drama in your love life.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Purple

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

The freedom for fighting for what you want is what can keep you happy. The day ends with Pluto making an entry into your sixth house making it the perfect time to invest in property or buy land. Your family will continue to support you and trust you even when it’s not easy to do so. You will soon exchange places with a senior in the workplace. Let go of regrets, anger and grudges. Absorb the positives while discarding the negatives.

Love Focus: When the Sun joins Mercury in the same area of your chart, life will begin to feel surrounded by love and warmth.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Golden Brown

Aquarius (January 22-February 19)

Learn from yesterday and remember the only beautiful path is the one you create yourself. The entry of Uranus will continue to shake you up financially. A wedding of someone close to the family is all set to bring moments of joy, happiness and light up the mood. Focus on the work more and you will soon be going to have all the good results ahead of you. Blessed are the ones who have got good health is what you are going to feel realize soon.

Love Focus: Remember when someone truly cares about you, they make an effort not an excuse.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Green

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

The future is your time and time is fleet. Forget the buried woes and deep despair. The two planets taking a moonwalk across your celestial charts reflects the expansion in your financial budget on the front. Strengthen the bond by open heart talks and communications. Invest and trust in yourself, Pisces and you can achieve it all. Don’t eat any cold things at night or you may get a cold.

Love Focus:  Life is the flower for which love is honey.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Pink

(Prem Kumar Sharma, – can be contacted at +91 9216141456, +91 9716145644; Email: -, query@onlinekashipandit.com)

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