Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 26


All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

 You have a bold personality with a carefree attitude. There is a tendency to make decisions with a bit of impulse. There could be a possibility that a transaction may hamper your money plans in the long run. You must plan an outing with your family today. There could be a possibility that you get into an argument with your superior that may lead to a loss of job/opportunity. Your determination towards a healthy life will help you to live in a healthy way. Read more

Love Focus: Try to stay calm and acknowledge your lover’s efforts, they will love to see your love expression.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Blue

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

Your love language is to give a most thoughtful or luxurious piece to your loved ones. Complete all the deals with proactiveness today, the day can bring a lot of gains. You will try to express your feelings to your siblings but they’re quite busy today. You must seek appreciation or another responsibility at the workplace. You will have a healthy beginning of the day, everything will be according to a healthy routine. Read more

Love Focus: All misunderstandings with the lover will be cleared today.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Forest Green

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

You are an individual who needs constant mind triggers and interactions to feel fulfilled. You must be getting an offer from an existing client or a known person, do not deny the offer. Your family knows how much you care for them but they could never express thankfulness to you. You may lose an opportunity to earn huge profits that you will realise later in the day. It is the day to focus on your health. If not treated properly, it may affect your lungs adversely. Read more

Love Focus: Singles can expect to meet someone new today.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

Cancer (Jun 22-July 22)

You thrive in the same people, places and situations. You are extremely emotional beings who wear their hearts on their sleeves. The stars are not favouring the new operations today. You always stay in your imagination, and your family do not like this at all. You may get an opportunity to start your own business today, the person who came up with this idea is quite lucky for you. You will have a happy and healthy day today. Read more

Love Focus: If you think you have got the right person, express your feelings today.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Baby Pink

Leo (July 23-August 23)

You expect appreciation for the things you do for others. There is a sense of royalty attached to the way you walk and talk. If you have any existing investments or properties, you can expect gains from them today. A long distant relative may visit you today; their visit can affect your comfort at home. Believe in doing smart work rather than hard work today. Some of you may get the meals according to your schedules and others will easily manage their meals. Read more

Love Focus:  People in a relationship will be enjoying quality time together.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Purple

Virgo (August 24-September 23) 

Your mutable earth makes you highly adaptable and quick to learn and fit in new surroundings. Do not perform any money related operation today, if not necessary. You will enjoy spending time with your family but be careful, one of your family members may hide their medical issues from you. Some of you may even try to acquire more clients but be careful, do not rush things. There could be a possibility that some minor medical issue gets highlighted but that is curable. Read more

Love Focus: Your partner seeks your support without any question.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Green

Libra (September 24-October 23)

Libra is the sign from which we see the shift in the zodiac from individuals to how to connect with others and the world. You will get investment advice today if you follow it so you can get amazing returns from the same. You like equality and you may see some kind of partiality in your home today. In the current situation, these learnings can get you a lot of appreciation at the workplace. Some of you may think to change your dietary plans and gym routines. Read more

Love Focus: You need emotional support from your partner but unfortunately, you will not get it today. 

Lucky Number: 15

Lucky Colour: Cream

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

Scorpio you are always looking for ways to push towards betterment. You have a strong judgement of right and wrong. Expected gains are in your favour today, just keep performing your responsibilities properly. Domestic harmony is in the stars today.  It is better to train your staff/juniors so that they are better in the future. You’re a fitness freak. You do not like cheating meals and taking time off from the gym. Read more

Love Focus: Give time to your loved ones today, there could be a possibility that they feel you do not love them anymore.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Light Blue

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Your personality strongly believes in networking with people from different walks of life. You will be ruling all your financial matters today, Be it a property deal or a stock market piece. Your family loves you a lot, you’re going to get a special surprise today. Listen to everyone but do not take any decision, when it comes to your career without considering their pros and cons. Your health seems great today. Read more

Love Focus:  Your better half is also in the same zone, so you both should have a romantic evening together today.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Blue

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

Your dedication is recognized by the people around you. You have a business mindset that lets you wear the crown of your achievements. This is the best day to undergo training or learning related to wealth management. You were planning for a trip for a long time and you hope to get the confirmation today. Whatever you have planned for the day will be done on time and you will feel so much efficient today. Take care of your health and stay hydrated. Read more

Love Focus:  It is essential to express your love and affection to your partner or else you can even lose them.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

Aquarius (January 22-February 19)

Aquarius you are unique and amazing in all manners. You are your friend’s biggest supporter. This is the right time you check your expenses and control them according to your income. This day is going to be really hectic for you but the family get-together will make you happy. According to the stars, you’re going to nail your presentation. You look fine today, no cold or allergies but make sure to avoid junk food today. Read more

Love Focus: Your partner must be planning something special for you, there’s a surprise waiting for you for sure.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

Hello Pisces, you are someone who cares deeply for others. You try your best to be present when anyone is in need of you. You might have been incurring losses in the past days, but the day will have a better picture to show you. You are blessed at the domestic front today. Your boss will also appreciate your approach to your job. Business owners can expect good reviews from clients. It is good to protect yourself from colds and allergies today on this windy day. Read more

Love Focus:  Let your lover know that each and every responsibility is shared and nothing he/she has to face alone.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

(Prem Kumar Sharma, – can be contacted at +91 9216141456, +91 9716145644; Email: -, query@onlinekashipandit.com)



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