Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 27


All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Today is a blessed day and it’s up to you to make the most of it. You can finally loosen your purse strings today and go for a purchase long-awaited. Think twice before making any sharp comments on any family member. You can’t be too careful and it never hurts to get an opinion from a veteran. Today is the day you get desired results for your efforts on the health front, keep up the tempo and treat yourself with an ice cream today.

Love Focus: Let affectionate gestures guide your day, not many words will be needed to make the day special.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Pink

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

The pressure is likely to be on you to prove yourself, both at work and in your personal life. If you’ve been waiting for months to get paid for a freelance gig or receive a promised bonus at work, money should start moving again. Your loved ones or parents should be given at least the same amount of time you give your co-workers, if not more. There could be stress and anxiety due to additional workload. As you begin to listen to your body, you may begin to have more control over your appetite and your emotional responses.

Love Focus: Taking romance to the next level is a distinct possibility for those in love.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: White

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

An innovative approach is likely to improve productivity and you shall be able to execute your plans and ideas in the desired manner. Today you are likely to be very focused on building wealth and strengthening your resources. Some of you may succeed in finding a way to balance your all relationships at home. Today is the perfect time to up your game on the wellbeing front. Being the ‘sweet one’ at the office may no longer be doing you any favours. When you feel pulled in many directions, it will be crucial that you calm your mind before you go to bed.

Love Focus: It is time to make a big gesture – arrange a vacation or a surprise gift – to win your partner’s heart.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Light Blue

Cancer (Jun 22-July 22)

If you have to take any important decisions in your life at this time, it will be better for you to hold a little and try to understand the circumstances. You are also likely to get relief from previous loans and liabilities. You are likely to set aside some time for yourself and may meet new friends. A meeting with the boss won’t necessarily change anything at work, but it may give you an opportunity to vent. Your interest in spirituality may increase and you are likely to delve deeper in your quest to explore the unknown.

Love Focus: An active love life is on the cards for some today and the relationship is likely to gain strength in future.

Lucky Number:2

Lucky Colour: White

Leo (July 23-August 23)

It is a day to put emphasis on creating balance in your daily life. You will have to be more proactive about getting things the way you want them. This is a good time to repay your existing debt as you may come into money. You may also succeed in resolving a long-standing dispute with your sibling. Your career prospects are likely to brighten up and there could be new job offers. Trust your own abilities to develop a positive attitude.

Love Focus: Lover’s actions can irritate you and may even make you incommunicado.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Green

Virgo (August 24-September 23)

It is a great day to be alive! Today may be a complete exception to Monday Blues! It may not be a bad idea to assess your ongoing saving schemes to ensure they are headed in the right direction. A distant relative may drop in for a visit after several years, giving a chance to renew long missed ties. Those looking for new career opportunities are likely to witness a positive development. Health and well-being should remain your key priority areas today.

Love Focus: You may not be able to express your feelings and emotions which may not give you the desired satisfaction in romantic relationships.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour:  Indigo

Libra (September 24-October 23)

Today, you may face unnecessary hurdles and obstacles in your path. You may have to put in extra effort to realize your goals and ambitions. You could be presented with a lucrative opportunity to increase your income. Homemakers may derive a special satisfaction in resetting the house today. Align yourself with those who lift you up to strengthen your professional alliances. A good diet and positive thinking may make a huge difference to your health today.

Love Focus: It is a good time to create an enchanting, intimate setting for an unforgettable night.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Dark Green

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

It is a very promising day to kick-start those new initiatives you have been meaning to for some time now. There can be additional expenditure related to family which may cause stress. Relationships with your family members may need to be addressed on priority and any differences should be managed effectively today. Now is a good time to launch a creative endeavour as a favourable outcome is foreseen. Be more focused on your health restrictions and make sure that you avoid oily and spicy food at all costs.

Love Focus: A budding office romance may become a reality for some.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Maroon

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Your charm and equable nature are likely to win the day for you. Use these to your advantage to have things your way. You are advised to reassess your savings and take decisions as per available resources. A family elder may need to be tackled tactfully if you want to retain domestic peace today. You could be shortlisted or tapped on the shoulder for some recognition or even a prestigious award. It is an excellent time to ask for a raise. Expert tips to lose weight may bring results.

Love Focus: It’s time for you to leave some hurt in the past and begin a new relationship era.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Pink

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

Love, happiness and some seriously good luck are all headed your way as the day plays out to your liking! You may also be able to repay debts before time. Plan your savings with the help of an expert. You are likely to acquire a dominating nature that may not go down too well with your family elders and ruin peace at home. The day may bring a lucky break for some and there can an opportunity to make more money in your job. This is the right time for you to start a fitness regimen to get fast results.

Love Focus: Today, you should try to find romance in intimate situations, like during a clandestine meet or a romantic movie.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Dark Grey

Aquarius (January 22-February 19)

The day may require you to be patient and wait for the right time. Problems are solved through productive conversation. The day is likely to bring some good news pertaining to finances. Siblings and friends are likely to remain supportive and you may share an affectionate relationship with them today. This is a good time to consider a change of job and you might hear positive news in this regard by the end of the day. Any form of physical workout is likely to help improve your well-being.

Love Focus: Even though you’re bubbling over with excitement on meeting a partner after long, stay cool on the outside.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Dark Blue

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

The day’s challenges and difficulties should be your reminder to persevere into the future. Profit and income from shares, lottery or prudent market investment can turn out to be profitable. Pay heed to the advice of elderly family members to sort out the dispute with near and dear ones. You are headed for a positive phase in your career and all your past efforts are likely to be adequately rewarded shortly. A chronic health problem is likely to get better for some of you thanks to a new medication and positive outlook.

Love Focus: Those happily partnered may continue to evolve in their love life and strengthen the love bond further.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Light Blue

(Prem Kumar Sharma, – can be contacted at +91 9216141456, +91 9716145644; Email: -, query@onlinekashipandit.com)




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