Love and Relationship Horoscope for February 1, 2022


Aries: It is better to forgive and move on from a problem that you recently may have faced in your close love relationship. Maybe, you have been waiting for some sort of an apology or closure on an issue which was not really that important. Make amends and move on. Married couples need not to express themselves clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

Taurus: You stars support you to plan for social and romantic occasions. The more you venture out, the higher is the possibility of meeting a special person. Look for places that are offbeat and only selective like-minded people visit. Married couples need to broaden their horizon and indulge in things that appeals to their inner core.

Gemini: You need to make that extra effort to understand your loved one. As of now, you are uncertain about what is going on in your relationship. Not that your relationship is not going well, but your mind is perplexed at where your life is headed. Clear your mind by giving some much-needed rest to your nerves and think afresh.

Cancer: You need to work on your possessive nature to make things easier for your partner. Your loved one is beginning to react to your tight-fisted approach and is showing a tendency to look away. Give yourself a break and allow them to express their disapproval. Married couples need to develop a new interest area to keep the excitement going.

Leo: Your day will turn out to be memorable as you could connect with a new person from far away. It could lead to fascinating conversations over the next few days and it will slowly turn out to be romantically appealing for you. You can pursue this interest for some time and then decide if it’s worth considering it in the long term.

Virgo: You need to lend support to your partner today as they are likely to be disturbed over some matter. It could be their financial situation or family issue; you need to hear your partner out and offer constructive solutions. The day will end on a good note as your loved one will admire you for your unconditional support.

Libra: Your relationships with your loved ones will turn out to be smooth today. Your warm nature and gentle attitude will make you attractive and people will confide their problems to you. Even your partner will express their feelings freely and your mutual bonding will only grow. They will reciprocate the same feelings in the future.

Scorpio: This will be a rewarding day in your love life as you will be able to make sense of your partner’s feelings. This will strengthen the foundation of your relationship which will bear fruit in the long run. Married couples need to work together and show support to each other. Be open to unplanned talks and offer some instant solutions to make life easier.

Sagittarius: You are likely to experience a face-off with your family over the choices you have made in your love life. It is better to hear them out patiently and let the situation cool off. You need to be diplomatic and slowly persuade them to rethink their stand. Married natives will be in an optimistic frame of mind and the day will be a pleasant one.

Capricorn: This is the start of a new emotional phase for you as you are beginning to realise the value of love in your life. There will be freshness in your approach as you meet your special one and you will be filled with lot of hope and excitement. Your efforts and concerns for each other will go a long way in sustaining this connection over time.

Aquarius: You are developing a karmic connection with someone special. It is just the way you had thought of and the relationship is slowly starting to flourish. You want to share a lot of your life with this person but you mind is stopping you to do that just yet. Allow yourself time before you surrender to this powerful emotion.

Pisces: If you are already married then it is time to think about family planning. Ignite the passion in your life and allow romance enter your life with a bang. Singles will find the going smooth as they will be able to develop a strong bond with the one they admire. They should not get perturbed by failure and keep trying.



*Predictions are based on Moon sign

Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779



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