Love and Relationship Horoscope for February 23, 2022


Aries: Singles should curtail their enthusiastic streak and be mindful of their approach as they can be perceived as being overpowering. Such an approach can backfire, so handle it with care. Those committed can feel insecure due to the unusual behaviour of their partner. Give it some space and time and it will fall back in place again.

Taurus: You need to take responsibility for your actions. Your insecurities will vanish only when you take charge of your life and re-define your existing relationship. Singles will have renewed sense of hope and confidence today. They should approach their love interest with a new vigour and look to connect on an intellectual level.

Gemini: You are in a satisfactory phase of life and will want to hold on to your sense of comfort tightly. Your loved one will contribute handsomely in making you feel special and secure. Cherish these moments and introspect on what’s making this happen. Singles need to come out of their shell and be more expressive towards whom they admire.

Cancer: Single or committed, there is a greater emphasis on issues relating to your career today. You will be conscious of your reputation and will work hard to protect it. Challenges at workplace will keep you occupied and taking the advice of your partner will surely help. Be your authentic self and surrender your worries and uncertainties.

Leo: Self-worth is important to you no matter what. This can become a discussion point when it comes to your love life. Your partner may have said something which has impacted your identity. Instead of making it an ego issue, you should diffuse the situation immediately by clearing it out. Singles should not compromise on their dignity.

Virgo: It will be a gratifying day as you will be occupied with social events and group activities. In the process, you could be interacting with a lot of people. This will expand your social circle and will enhance the possibility of you meeting your like-minded partner. Be open to some casual talk along the side-lines and explore what others have to offer.

Libra: You are feeling alive and kicking today and will be keen to embrace life. This is a great time to plan a romantic outing with your loved one and let them know how much they mean to you. A sense of passion and sensuality will be visible within you, which will make the day much more satisfying and fun-filled. Singles need to avoid boasting about themselves.

Scorpio: You are an intuitive person and your psychic ability will be at its peak today. Some old connection can contact you to confide their problems. You don’t have to renew your ties, but only be a good listener. Advise what your heart tells you is right and it will work wonders. Those committed should engage in meditative practices to calm their thoughts.

Sagittarius: Expect the unexpected as there can be all sorts of surprises coming your way today. There could be news of one of your old friends getting hitched to a known person. Those committed can feel their partner behaving strangely, but don’t let these developments unsettle you. Singles will hear some good news as their love interest can contact them.

Capricorn: You will have a calming influence around you today. The emotional security of having your loved ones in your life will make you satisfied. Singles will be pleased with the progress they have made in connecting with whom they admire and will stay hopeful. Those committed should express their gratitude to their partner for being supportive.

Aquarius: You will be tempted to enjoy the various pleasures of life today, be it your favourite food or going out to your choice of place. You will make some heartfelt moments and will look to reinforce your relationship. Understanding with your partner will be good and both will relish each other’s company and adventurous streak.

Pisces: It is better to look forward than back. Don’t hold on to your past memories as they can take you away from reality. Live in the present and appreciate the beauty of things around you. Go outwith friends and explore something new which can create fresh experiences. Those committed will be highly imaginative and can plan a family outing.



*Predictions are based on Moon sign

Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779



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