Love and Relationship Horoscope for March 25, 2022


Aries: In light of your past experiences, you’ll take a look at who appreciates you and who doesn’t. You prefer to spend time with only those folks who support you and provide you the good energy and inspiration you need. Make a long-term commitment to your love partner if they are one of those special people who are always there for you.

Taurus: As long as you and your lover have been together, you’ll want to do something special for them on this important day. As an alternative, you may plan an intimate rendezvous with your lover in a quiet and peaceful spot. Make the most of this time together to further your connection by learning about one another.

Gemini: It’s time to move on with your romantic life. Having fun and getting to know one other should be the only goal. Taking your significant other out on a date is best done in a place where you may freely converse. Try something new like going to an eating joint or taking a drive with your partner to enjoy each other’s company.

Cancer: Relationship understanding is far more vital than any other unreasonable assumptions. So, be honest with yourself about what you want in a partner and concentrate on the long-term goals. You’ve a tendency to bump into the wrong people. Choosing a partner who will respect you and help you be happy will work well for you. 

Leo: You may be critical of your partner today, and you may tend to focus on their imperfections rather than their strengths. Make sure you don’t let yourself be sucked into the temptation of pointing fingers at them and judging. It’s important to pay attention when you’re experiencing anxiety or fear in a relationship and do something about it. 

Virgo: Don’t be shy about expressing your desires to your partner. When it comes to anticipating the future, it’s common to experience a variety of emotions. Singles need to stay positive and not let fear stop you from achieving your goals. Instead, concentrate on what you can control at a given time and let life take care of the rest.

Libra: A trust deficit seems to be on the cards in your current relationship. Ask yourself whether or not this person is meeting your desires. If not, allow yourself some time to adjust to the new reality. Singles need to be brave and daring to attract love. They may have a strong urge to initiate a dialogue with their love interest.

Scorpio: It doesn’t matter whether you’re single, have a crush on someone, or are currently in a committed relationship; your sentiments are beginning to intensify. Don’t let the trivialities of this friendship be ruined by them. Talk things out with your partner and don’t keep anything within. Think about how you can improve things.

Sagittarius: Everything you do today will be infused with a high level of intensity. It’s possible that you’re keen to establish yourself in your current relationship. Take a step back and look at your connections and interactions from a different angle. Examine your behaviour to determine where you have been placing too much pressure.

Capricorn: Today is a great day to show your ability to compromise in order to maintain the basis of your current connection intact. In order to understand the underlying currents, use your maturity. Sensitivity and intuition are essential in this endeavour. It’s also a good idea to be receptive to your lover’s emotional needs at this time.

Aquarius: To progress in this relationship, you’ll need to build more trust with your partner. In your joy, you may neglect to spend enough time with your loved one. Creative ways of expressing your feelings will help bring the relationship back to life. You and your partner will be able to find a common ground. Be flamboyant. 

Pisces: Mood swings and unpredictability are possible in your personal space today. This could leave your lover scratching their heads. Towards the end of the day, you’ll be itching to spend time with loved ones. Having a good evening with them will be your priority when you get home from work. Make it up to them now.



*Predictions are based on Moon sign


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)

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