Love and Relationship Horoscope for March 27, 2022


Aries: The day will be spent relaxing, especially if you’re meeting someone for the first time today. All you’ll need is a unique sense of humour to pull it off perfectly. Everything will be OK as long as you keep the conversation light and amusing; in fact, just be yourself throughout. You’re going to have a lot more fun together in the future.

Taurus: As a result of the cosmic alignment, you’re slowly getting a better grasp on what it means to be committed. At times, you may find it tricky to deal with your current relationships since they are rooted in mundane life. Nonetheless, it’s a good thing to have to think and plan about the essentials of life. This is a lesson you should learn seriously. 

Gemini: Avoid double-faced folks, especially if they are trying to get your attention. Today, you may be tempted to believe anything. Be wary of people who would use your empathetic side against you in order to manipulate you into a relationship. Don’t fall in the trap. Take help from your loved ones in case of any concern. 

Cancer: Others may consider you to be vulnerable as a result of your hesitation to set boundaries for yourself. You can avoid being crushed beneath the weight of someone else’s ego if you learn this lesson as soon as possible. Start to understand why it is so crucial to tell everyone exactly what you can take, as well as what you can’t.

Leo: Talk and deep thought about life and your love connections are necessary for you to have a healthy relationship. The only thing you should be concerned about is not coming across as arrogant to your partner. Even if you know the answers to your companion’s most pressing questions, coming across as cocky will prevent you to gain advantage.

Virgo: Let go of your preconceptions and accept whatever opportunities come your way. This is a healthy frame of mind to have in case something unexpected happens. If you’re in a relationship, your beloved may surprise you by taking a risky step. These things won’t have a bad impact on you, but they may raise a few heads!

Libra: You may feel uncomfortable and agitated if you’re caught in the middle of an argument involving your love life. Even though you have nothing to do with the current event, you may still be held responsible for its outcome. Don’t slam the door shut! Your efforts will be appreciated in due course. Later, this will not matter much. 

Scorpio: If you and your partner have a quarrel, it could cause you to lose focus on tasks that needs your immediate attention. If you find yourself in this circumstance, don’t talk to your partner at all. Try to avoid each other’s ire for the time being, and then come to an agreement later. Keep your mind on the tasks at hand and the results you were hoping to achieve at work. 

Sagittarius: Give your partner your undivided attention and do everything in your power to provide them with the assistance they require. Today, make an effort to lighten your outlook in order to bring some relief from an otherwise uncomfortable situation. Right now, your beloved requires your companionship more than anything else.

Capricorn: Don’t succumb to temptation at this point, as it would be a waste of time and energy to engage in short-term relationships that have no potential of becoming long-term commitments. Don’t let your need for pleasure lead you into a situation you will later regret. Keep your head on your shoulders.

Aquarius: When you think about your ex, you may be thinking of some of the romantic events you had together in the past. Not only will these memories provide you joy, but they’ll also spur you on to do something special to spice up your next relationship. Keep the fire blazing by devising new and creative strategies.

Pisces: It’s possible that your significant other is having a bad day and wants to talk about the problems in your relationship. To avoid misunderstandings, take the time to talk things over and make sure you’re clear on your goals. As a result, there will be greater harmony and understanding between the two of you.



*Predictions are based on Moon sign


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)

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