Love and Relationship Horoscope for March 7, 2022


Aries: Sit down and take a hard look at your relationships from a variety of angles. The cosmic alignment is allowing you to see clearly where your fixation on relating to others in certain defined ways is preventing you from moving forward. These are stifling your development and preventing you from stepping beyond your comfort zone. It’s time to remove them.

Taurus: This is a good day to open up to someone you’ve had a tumultuous connection with and tell them the truth. Confronting the issue head-on will help you deal with it effectively. Speak from your heart and be open to receiving feedback. Don’t be hesitant in making the first move as it will only show your commitment to find a solution. 

Gemini: The cosmic configuration is prompting you to consider your interpersonal relationships more deeply. On a very subtle level, your life is undergoing profound transformation. It’s a matter of determining where you appear to be excessively limiting yourself. Taking the time to ponder certain essential questions will yield beneficial results.

Cancer: Use today as an occasion to pursue your interests on your own, even if you don’t have a significant other. Make a couple of phone calls to old pals with whom you haven’t spoken in a while. As a matter of fact, they’ll appreciate it. Take advantage of the periods when you are free to pursue your own interests.

Leo: Explore the new possibilities that come your way today. It may roll out a whole new red carpet for you. A friend can be that vital link that connects you with your significant other. Someone who you may have ignored in the past may re-emerge in your life. Don’t stress yourself out with this new possibility as it will help you discover what you really want.

Virgo: Depending on how things go today, you might wind up spending the entire day thinking about a specific somebody whom you have recently met. It’s important to remember that this is most likely a crush, so give it some time before allowing your thoughts to wander off into a land of fantasies. It’s a day filled with powerful emotions and a wandering mind.

Libra: You could be attractive to someone who sees you in a completely different manner. This new partnership has all the ingredients for a great relationship, but you want to be sure that the other person is as committed as you are. Try to find ways to make it function so that you can get the most out of it. Put your best foot forward. 

Scorpio: You will be in a wait and watch mode especially if you’ve started dating someone recently. You need to take your relationship rather seriously. It’s possible that you’ll be held accountable in the near future if things don’t work out. If this happens, you won’t enjoy it since it will hurt your pride; but good things do come to those who wait. 

Sagittarius: Your current relationship may leave you wondering who is to blame. It’s possible that no one is aware of this. What’s your strategy then? Because of your responsibilities, it’s possible that you’ve stopped going out with your loved one. Consider your timing if you’re having trouble striking up a conversation with a new person when you’re out on a date. 

Capricorn: You need not give an excuse in order to make up for what you have done wrong. Although you can still appreciate and love individuals for who they are, forgiveness does not necessarily imply forgetting. The ability to hold oneself accountable is a sort of love, and it demonstrates that you care about yourself just as much as you do about the other person.

Aquarius: Taking a moment to reflect on the things in your life that make you happy will bring you joy. In some cases, you may begin to question whether or not everything in your relationship is going well, and you may even try to correct things on your own. You’ll have the impression that a new start is in order. Do not neglect your own well-being while focusing on others. 

Pisces: It’s time to get your love life back on track. You may have put your career before your significant other or even yourself. Take a moment to reflect on your love life. Do you have any spare time? Are you not spending enough time with your loved one? Make time for the things that strengthen your relationship, starting with one-on-one conversation.



*Predictions are based on Moon sign


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)

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