Scorpio Daily Horoscope for December 15: A day full of surprises


By, Shri Kashi Pandit Jyotish Upasna Kindra

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Even the black clouds can give you the best feeling ever. You may need to set off an intense search for information recently. You may intend to leave no stone unturned perhaps there have been barriers to find the knowledge but you have made sure not to stop until you have what you want. Look for the light in the darkness and you will owe it to yourself and to those who trusted you in the trouble times. Show everyone the innate traits that a Scorpio holds.


Scorpio Finance Today

A not so bright day to invest in property. You may lose your money if risking it for something cheap. Avoid taking risks or you may be flat broke. Don’t always look for sources for easy money. Work to earn a living and maybe the heavens might be kind to you. 

Scorpio Family Today

No one can know your heart unless you are open about how you actually feel. Say the right, right and the wrong, wrong. It’s not always about your opinion being accepted or not but about speaking aloud what you actually feel. You need to interact in order to make others understand you better and clear out the misunderstandings. 

Scorpio Career Today

You are a bag full of unpredictable gifts, Scorpio. Be aware of your abilities and believe in the ideas you bring to the table. Don’t feel shy demanding credit for your work. Remember that intent is everything. Make conscious decisions to vibrate higher. Dream big and it may all come true soon. 

Scorpio Health Today

The health problems are thinking of taking a back seat now. You might find yourself refreshed and as fit as fiddle again. Some basic exercises may keep you energetic for long. Avoid long hours of sitting as it may cause backaches. 

Scorpio Love Life Today

 ‘Inspiration and freshness’ are guiding your day to mark a new start. Your heart knows what you want and what is best. Learn to love without conditions and calculations and the heavens will bless you with the best, much more than you can find yourself. 

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Yellow


By: -, Shri Kashi Pandit Jyotish Upasna Kindra

(Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist & Vastu Consultant)

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