Weekly Numerology Predictions from 28th November to 4th December, 2022


Number 1: (People born on 1, 10, 19, and 28 of any month)

Ganesha says the beginning of the week will prove to be extremely auspicious for your personality development, immunity, and well-being. Your enthusiasm will remain high this time and you will spend money to improve your skills and personality development. Your confidence and work efficiency will improve. In the middle of the week, there will be an atmosphere of peace and harmony in the house and there are auspicious signs of progress in family life. The behavior of all the family members will be cooperative for you. In the remaining part of the week, along with improvement in work activities, your social status will also improve due to social activities. You will also make progress in the workplace.

Number 2: (People born on 2, 11, 20, and 29 of any month)

Ganesha says at the beginning of the week, due to unwanted obstacles in the middle of the work, the work will not be able to be accomplished, due to which you will be in a state of disappointment and frustration. Nevertheless, going on trips during this time will be beneficial for you. Mid of week indicates that you will deal with enemies and expenses with confidence. Travels will give you happiness. You will plan to manage your expenses and competitive exams. You will prove to be a good strategist in terms of shaping the marketing plan to face the tough market competition. In the last part of the week, you will use your energy power, and expenses towards the welfare of the family. There will be an atmosphere of happiness and peace in the family. You will get support from all the family members and all the family members will be cooperative towards each other.

Number 3: (People born on 3, 12, 21, and 30 of any month)

Ganesha says in the beginning of the week, your income and business will increase. One can expect steady gains from income sectors with government support. You are likely to get the cooperation and support of your elder brother. In the middle of the week, you may face obstacles in the accomplishment of important tasks due to excessive mental stress, unnecessary expenditure, disappointment, and frustration. Favorable health will give you happiness. You will suffer from problems of quick change in mood. Do not lose your patience to save yourself from being affected by adverse circumstances. The last part of the week is perfectly favorable for the attainment of prestige, health, increase in immunity, and development of personality. You will emerge as an influential person, you will get both appreciation and respect from people. There will be no doubt about your ability. Your ability to run an organization and manage your skills will be at a high level.

Number 4: (People born on 4, 13, 22, and 31 of any month)

Ganesha says at the beginning of the week, there are signs of progress in your work. You can expect cooperation from officials and colleagues at the workplace. Apart from this, the company of subordinates will give you happiness. In the present planetary position, you will have to try to take the cooperation of senior officers to get opportunities for growth in a business job. Your income will increase in the middle of the week. At this time, there are strong signs of the fulfillment of your desires, brother-sister cooperation, and child happiness. These days, there are strong possibilities of getting strong sources of income for you. In the last part of the week, there are signs of deterioration in health, happiness, mental state, and financial condition. Due to this, you may get a sudden increase in stress and expenses as well as failure to complete important tasks.

Number 5: (People born on 5, 14, and 23 of any month)

Ganesha says at the beginning of the week, there are strong indications of an increase in your social prestige and the support of luck. Your influence in society will increase because of your words and lectures. Coming back from the holidays in the middle of the week, you will be able to do the work in the field better. At this time your business will grow and due to your social influence, you will get successful in all important tasks. To be on top in the academic field, you have to perform well. You will move forward in your professional life and these days you are likely to get good news related to increasing in prestige. The remaining part of the week will be beneficial from the sources of income and profit.

Number 6: (People born on 6, 15, and 24 of any month)

Ganesha says the beginning of the week is not auspicious for your happiness and achievements. You may have some health-related problems. There may be some unwanted obstacles in your family. To maintain relations, it would be better to avoid unnecessary arguments. Mid of week period will be favorable for your family life and relationship with your father. Luck is strong with you. Time is favorable for efforts to strengthen relations with everyone at home. You will be happy to get the support and respect of senior officers. The last part of the week is very favorable for your work, achievements, and progress. This is where your skills and expertise will come in handy.

Number 7 (People born on 7, 16, and 25 of any month)

Ganesha says at the beginning of the week, there will be an improvement in your marital bliss, love growth, family atmosphere, harmony in the family, mutual affection, and family peace. Marriage-related plans of unmarried people will be discussed. Your efforts to improve partnership ventures will be good during this period. In the middle of the week, you will experience frustration and disappointment due to mental disturbance. You have to take care of your physical and mental health. You have to keep your confidence high otherwise your efficiency may get affected. During the weekend, you may plan to go on a pilgrimage or a tourist destination. You will get full support of luck on the weekend. This will also improve your reputation. Support will be received from the people around, friends, mother-in-law, relatives, and siblings.

Number 8: (People born on 8, 17, and 26 of any month)

Ganesha says increasing expenses will increase your anxiety at the beginning of the week. You will be able to solve all the issues and your mind will be happy by going on a trip to a favorite place. The middle of the week will be excellent for the enjoyment of your married life. You may have to spend on your spouse’s health. Spouse’s friendly advice will prove beneficial for you and you will be able to control your uncontrolled expenses. In the last part of the week, you will experience some disappointment as you may face disappointment and failure in important tasks. You may face difficulties due to a lack of money in managing daily tasks. You will feel irritable due to obstacles in emotional relationships. You are advised not to lose patience and faith in difficult times. Do not do important work related to ventures during this time.

Number 9: (People born on 9, 18, and 27 of any month)

Ganesha says at the beginning of the week, you will establish your reputation as a very good advisor and your children may bring some good news for you. This time will be good for emotional relations. With the strengthening of your imagination, new ideas will be born in you. Mid of week will be highly beneficial for dealing with issues related to enemies, litigation, and debt. You are advised to handle these issues with a calm approach. You would like to go on a trip to a distant place. Your subordinates will follow your orders. You will get success in the desired performance in the workplace. Your wishes will be fulfilled by getting more benefits. The remaining days of the week will be good for maintaining harmony in married life. Along with this, the partners will also be happier than before and there will be more joy and excitement in married life. This is a good time to sign new business contracts.



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