Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for March 20-March 26


ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Love: The Emperor

Mood: Judgement

Career: Four of Cups

Be assertive about your desire for bigger and better experiences in career, love or other key areas of your life. It’s time to say yes to more of everything. You should not worry too much about minor health problems as you may remain at the peak of your wellbeing. Some of you may enter into advanced negotiations or discussions for a new career prospect. So be your confident best. Businessmen may see massive growth and progress with an increase in earning. Your liquidity may also improve. You are likely to receive support from your elder siblings in a crucial matter. This may enable you to face testing time easily. If you are in a serious relationship, then the chances are that you may be implored to get married or formalize your ties.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: All shades of Green

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

Love: Knight of Coins

Mood: The Fool

Career: The Hanged man

Love, happiness and some serious good luck are all headed your way as the week plays out to your liking! A windfall may enable some to pay off their loan or a major chunk of it before the deadline. Those seeking jobs may start witnessing positive results as opportunities would match your eligibility. Children may remain a source of joy and satisfaction with their outstanding achievement. Upgrading your skincare routine using natural ways may bring a drastic improvement in your appearance. Things could turn bitter between you and your romantic partner. Better if you keep your point clear and don’t let things get out of hand, they will normalize soon. Think twice while taking a final decision on matters of sale or purchase properties.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Peach

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Love: Eight of Cups

Mood: Hierophant

Career: Seven of Cups

Allow yourself to dream bigger than ever before. Cut loose the inhibitions, be brave and show the doubters what you’re really made of. People looking for a job transfer or promotion are likely to be successful in getting the posting and position of their choice. Vacation may turn out more fun than anticipated in the right company. You are likely to receive some pending payments which may improve your financial position. You may have to follow an unconventional approach this week to charm your partner. Go ahead and be innovative. Some of you may consider moving out of the joint family, but that may not resolve the problem. So, find a better solution. If your health is compromised, do your best not to overdo any exercise. Rather build short periods of rest into your hectic daily schedule.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Indigo

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Love: The Hermit

Mood: Three of Cups

Career: The Tower

Keep working hard and adhere to your usual routines and rituals. They would serve you well. You are also likely to receive positive news on the expert or financial front. The developments are likely to have a positive impact on your life. You have a tremendous chance this week to crack something substantial and prove your ability. Elderly people may get some relief from the joint aches that have been troubling them for the past few days now. Those looking to settle down may have to seek help of family members to find a suitable matrimonial match. Family and personal matters must take priority over worldly affairs for you this week as indication of misunderstandings appear strong. A pilgrimage or visit to a religious spot may enhance mental peace.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Light Red

LEO (July 23-August 23)

Love: The World

Mood: Devil

Career: Seven of Coins

Your natural drive is that of an incredible leader – which you have the potential to be. This week you can rely on it to take you on the path you have always desired for yourself. If you are currently involved with someone, then expect that your romantic bond may become stronger. You are likely to have a positive frame of mind all week and this may translate into confidence and improve things in your life. Any existing disputes with younger siblings may get settled once and for all with the timely intervention of family elders. Do not engage yourself in any kind of gossips or it may tarnish your image at the workplace. Avoid any new partnerships as this is not a conducive period for existing or new tie-ups.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

VIRGO (August 24-September 23)

Love: Seven of Swords

Mood: Two of Coins

Career: Six of Wands

Continue to work hard and ignore the distractions surrounding you. Keep faith and stay focused to succeed. If you have developed feelings for a special person, but are not able to express your feelings, now is the time to confess your love. Possibility of an affirmation appears strong. Your financial status is likely to remain strong and you can expect major gains through prudent investments in stocks and shares. Help from well-meaning colleagues may assist you in getting a delayed project on track and even complete it within the deadline. If you are venturing out, you should cross-check the destination properly to avoid disappointment during your holiday. You should be careful about unhealthy eating and watch your portions.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Baby Pink

LIBRA (September 24-October 23)

Love: The Star

Mood: The Fool

Career: Five of Coins

Those aspiring to move aboard for further studies may find new avenues opening up for them. It is an auspicious time to organize a wedding or religious function at home as it is likely to bring prosperity and harmony. Some of you may experience some emotional ups and downs and may get dragged in disputes or angry discussions. Make sure you don’t say anything in these situations that you may regret later. Investments in stocks may turn out to be beneficial and may help you meet any additional expenditure you may incur later in the week. You may get set up on exciting dates by friends and even meet a charismatic person in a social event. You are likely to recover from a long illness by strict monitoring of your diet and medication.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Sandy Brown

SCORPIO (October 24-November 22)

Love: The World

Mood: Three of Swords

Career: Temperance

Your amazing intuition and foresight may enable you to make the right moves in an important task assigned to you. Follow it whenever possible and reap the benefits of the positive feeling. You are finally rewarded for plenty of hard work recently put in. Enjoy the glory and the rise in salary but stay humble and hardworking. Domestic matters may keep you happily occupied this week and spending time with family members may go a long way in lighten up your mood. Taking romantic partner for granted may create a deep void in your relationship. You may soon get to hear good news about the business deal that you have been trying to crack since long now. There could be an impromptu trip related to work or finance. Grab the chance as it may bring a novel experience.

Lucky Number:1

Lucky Colour: Light Red

SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21)

Love: The Magician

Mood: The Hermit

Career: The Sun

Your self-esteem would increase as rapidly as your bank balance this week as you stack up major achievements. It is the right time to push towards your life goals. Joining a group of like-minded sports enthusiasts would not only increase your stamina and fitness but you also may find yourself much more focused and alert. Your enthusiasm and energy may help you cope with your workload easily and may even help you earn brownie points with seniors. Overhaul your marketing plan and undercut the competition to take your new venture to greater heights. A previous misunderstanding with your special friend is likely to be cleared paving way for much togetherness and happiness. You would get full cooperation from all members of the family, including parents for your ambitious plans.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Pink

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 21)

Love: King of Coins

Mood: Page of Swords

Career: Strength

Enemies may be causing obstacles to your success but staying positive and being proactive may help retain the winning momentum. However, the week may bring promising developments on the career front. This could be in the form of a new job offer or being shortlisted for a prestigious overseas assignment. You may also receive some excellent news concerning your business. Exporters and entrepreneurs are likely to be particularly lucky. Married folks may succeed in finding a common ground in a dispute, restoring harmony in marital ties. It is good time to opt for a change in accommodation; the move may bring prosperity and wellbeing. Your family is likely to remain supportive of your plans and there could be celebration of a social function at home.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: White

AQUARIUS (January 22-February 19)

Love: Wheel of Fortune

Mood: Ten of Cups

Career: The Empress

Keeping stubbornness aside and being open to reason should be the mantra for you all week. It may benefit you in ways more than one. Stalled projects could be revived and you may succeed in meeting all your targets. Those of you trying to attract the attention of some you like may get an encouraging response from him/ her. Being smart about food choices and keeping the size of the portion small may help those looking to come back into shape. You may succeed in resolving differences with your sibling over ancestral property. If you are feeling temporarily strapped for cash, don’t fret too much; give it time, things are set to improve shortly. It would be a prudent option for those travelling to faraway destination to make advance bookings to escape the last-minute chaos.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

PISCES (February 20-March 20)

Love: Five of Coins

Mood: Two of Cups

Career: The Empress

Your flexible attitude and knack of connecting with those around you by sharing ideas would make your friendships and partnerships more rewarding and valuable. You may also receive unexpected appreciation from seniors which may further your career prospects. Any existing disputes with younger siblings may get settled once and for all with the timely intervention of family elders. Money flow will be in your favor and several new investment opportunities are around the corner so just stay focused. Those looking to migrate to a new country may receive a positive notification. You will need to be on your guard while dealing with your significant other as there are strong chances of a misunderstanding owing to some old issue.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Coffee



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