Career Horoscope Today: Astrological predictions for March 18, 2022


Aries: Progress toward your professional and financial objectives may be slowing down. The result might be a combination of sadness, resentment, and even fear on your part. Don’t fall prey to this ploy. This isn’t a long-term problem; once it loosens up, you’ll be just where you need to be. For now, treat yourself well. Do things that keep you upbeat and focused on the task at hand.

Taurus: Today, expect a little pushback at work. In the event that your co-worker is in a foul mood, they won’t be the most pleasant to deal with. In fact, they may have a hard time even doing the small things right, so you may feel obligated to step in and fill in for them. Only do this if the work they’re leaving behind is critical. Don’t lose sleep over this and try to finish your own tasks instead.

Gemini: Reconnecting with old friends and colleagues might pay off in the long run. Get in touch with a former colleague or companion. The two of you may help each other out by exchanging information. You may get a lead on a new job path. Or, you can gain some inspiration for a plan or problem-solving tactic. There is always some time for celebration later to thank your companion for their help. 

Cancer: When it comes to getting your point through, you may face trouble today, especially at work. While you’ve been waiting for a long time, you’re beginning to feel like a moron for being so patient. In order to overcome the obstacles in your path, it’s time to face them head on today. Investigate why you’re being treated this way, then brainstorm potential fixes for the problem.

Leo: You may be a little nervous at work today. It’s possible that your ideas are jumbled and you’re left in the dark. Because priorities aren’t determined, the majority of problems are caused by a misalignment. Think it through carefully and keep you emotional and physical energy in sync. You’ll be better able to concentrate on the task at hand and find solutions as a result.

Virgo: You’re about to embark on a new learning journey. Today is a good day to find out whether your job prospects have changed or if you’ve taken a new position. This is a season of fresh beginnings, which means that your career is likely to undergo some change. Take a deep breath and know that these modifications will eventually lead you to your job objectives and financial goals. 

Libra: You’ll be able to land a high-profile assignment at work thanks to your strong leadership abilities. Don’t just talk the talk; walk the walk. This is a great day for you to show off your wit and ability to speak well. Throughout your life, you’ve been recognised for your eloquence and your ability to be diplomatic. Keep your sense of humour intact to diffuse stressful work situations. 

Scorpio: Now, you should keep the path, as the stepping stones to success that you lay today will assist you in the future. You will discover that your success today is directly tied to the amount of effort you put into your work. Your diligence will ensure that your long-term career approach is effective and serves your goal. Maintain your focus and nothing will prevent you from achieving your goals.

Sagittarius: Even if you’re comfortable in your present work, you may find yourself needing to shift employment at some point in the future. Become more versatile by learning new things. You’ll be more marketable the next time you go job hunting. Recognizing and addressing your areas of weakness now will serve you well to stay ahead of the competition when it comes to a new job.

Capricorn: You’ll be introduced to people who can help you in the future. Participating in conferences and seminars is a sure-fire way to have a successful outing at work. In the course of your profession, you may discover that you have a strong desire to serve people. You’ll be the one to step up and address their issues. Look for a job change if you are keen to change your role and function. 

Aquarius: Divide the job, and you’ll get twice as much done. You’ll be able to get along with co-workers easily. In order to properly participate in an interactive session, you must pay close attention to what others have to say. Keep an eye on what your boss wants you to do. A partnership business may make you feel as if you are doing all of the work. Take a step back and let go of some of the stress.

Pisces: Change is inevitable in your professional life, and now is the time to fly. Today, you may feel as though your job description is shifting in unexpected directions for which you are unprepared. Never fear; you’ve been sent here for a reason. For too long, you’ve been satisfied with your present job function. If you’re not happy where you are today, it’s time to consider a career change.



*Predictions are based on Moon sign


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)

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