First Solar Eclipse of 2022: Find how all zodiac signs can harness this power


The first Solar Eclipse of 2022, according to Hindu Panchanga, will occur on May 1 from 00:15 AM to 04:08 AM (IST). The eclipse will occur on the day of Shani Amavasya in Bharani nakshatra, in the sign of Aries. The Sun and Moon will be conjunct Rahu on this day, generating an eclipse. 

In Astrology, the Sun is considered our soul, while the Moon is our subconscious mind. It is said that our soul (Sun) and emotional energy (Moon) are captivated by the energy-draining potential of Rahu and Ketu during the eclipse on new moon night (Amavasya), causing surges of emotions and energy that affect us all. The eclipse will not be visible in India, but will still have its influence on our life.

A solar eclipse is not generally thought to be a good event; however, it is a fallacy that it always brings bad luck. Solar eclipses can be beneficial to some zodiac signs, but they can also be a warning sign for others. Here is the astrological advice for various zodiac signs on how to utilise this energy of the eclipse to their advantage.

Aries: Look to reinvent yourself and invest in things that help you gain confidence in life. A new style or attitude may be what you’ve been looking for. If that is the case, then go ahead and do it. Don’t be afraid to brag about your accomplishments both online and offline. It’s time for you to shine brightly. Take advantage of the attention you receive.

Taurus: It’s time for a break from the daily grind and gives your hyper-sensitive mind some much-needed rest. Try to find ways to relax and re-energize yourself. If you’re up for it, put your phone away and enjoy your favourite food, television show, or whatever else you’ve been putting off. It’s time to put your mind at ease.

Gemini: Take a look at who you know in your professional life and how they could be able to introduce you to new prospects. A slew of new job leads can arrive in your email as a result of updating your resume. You may even be able to reconnect with former co-workers who are eager to share their wisdom and experience with you.

Cancer: Be on the lookout for new possibilities; the one you’ve been hoping for maybe just around the corner. At work, you may learn of a new position, a pay increase, or other possibilities. Start applying for jobs now, because it’s an opportune time to do so. It’s time to walk the talk in your career or be proactive and plan a makeover.

Leo: Finding something new and exciting should be what you should aspire. You are being urged by the cosmos to step out of your comfort zone and take some risks with a leap of faith. Take a road trip, go on vacation, arrange a trip with friends, or go hiking on a different route. These activities will open new horizons for you.

Virgo: Major financial decisions can be nerve-wracking. You might use this moment as a source of inspiration and motivation to carry forward with whatever task you have at hand. Your assets are under your control and direction. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe by keeping your health and life insurance plans up to date.

Libra: Listen to your heart and go with what it tells you without over analysing. Even if you don’t think it’s necessary, be courteous and generous in your relationships with others. It will surely pay off and your partner will truly appreciate it. By doing this, you will strengthen your relationships and put others at rest if you act from a place of goodwill.

Scorpio: Begin the process of establishing a new daily pattern, which includes changing your sleeping and working habits as well. You may have noticed that you’ve been getting distracted lately. That’s why it’s so crucial to have a specific goal for yourself. When you cross something off your to-do list, you should feel a sense of accomplishment.

Sagittarius: A desire for change and acceptance is brewing inside. There may be a strong desire for romance in the air. If you are looking out for love then the time has come for you to get out of your comfort zone and wear your heart on your sleeve. If you are already committed then let your partner know how you really feel by being honest and open about it.

Capricorn: You’re an adventurer, and your heart is where your home is. However, you must now concentrate on where you reside and implement some constructive changes. Get rid of some outdated and worn items to freshen up the atmosphere in your home. Spend time with your mother and pay attention to what she has to say.

Aquarius: Look to plug gaps due to lack of communication. Interaction with your friends and relatives may have been erratic or one-sided recently. Now is the time to tap into your inner feelings. Share your thoughts with others around you and be expressive. The long-term benefits of clearing the air may outweigh the short-term costs.

Pisces: Re-align your financial objectives to your long-term life goals. Set attainable targets. Spending money on something you’ll regret later is a bad idea, but not so if it’s on family needs. Examine your investment portfolio and make adjustments as per the changing market dynamics. Consolidate your profits and put them into long-term investments.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779



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