Is it your birthday between 6 to 15 January? Check how the month will shape up


Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 06:

Ruled by number 6 and the planet Venus, you are generous, practical, energetic, original and a simple person. Health of your spouse may cause concern and anxiety. Students need to concentrate on their studies and plan for the year ahead. Romance and new alliances look likely for the unattached. The months of August, December, March and May will be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 07:

Ruled by number 7 and the planet Neptune, you are responsible, affectionate, creative, simple and a research-oriented person. This year success in whatever you do will keep you happy. Unexpected gains in cash and kind from near ones and friends through out the year. Stress and tension might lead to some minor health problems. The latter half of the year will see you getting closer to a spiritual person who will make a remarkable difference on your thinking and personality. The months of August, November, March and June will prove to be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 08:

Ruled by number 8 and the planet Saturn. You are ambitious, energetic, authoritative, systematic, and a sober person. This year rewards and appreciation for scientist, lawyers, writers, and women professionals associated with advertising and marketing seems certain. Financial gains will increase as the year progresses making you spend more on luxuries and other comforts. Heath matters will cause concern, therefore do not ignore medical advice whenever necessary. A better understanding with your family members will ensure happiness, peace and prosperity at home. The months of July, December, January and May will prove to be highly beneficial.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 09:

Ruled by number 9 and the planet Mars. You are intelligent, dashing, courageous, enthusiastic and a brilliant individual. The year is perfect to undertake important changes and make strong decisions. Matters related to property, partnerships and new ventures will get resolved. Some good news can be expected from children towards the last quarter of the year. Renovation, construction and socializing will be major highlight of this year. Concentrate on your efforts and growth and prosperity will follow by themselves. The latter half of the year will bring in opportunities to travel overseas for business as well as pleasure. Selective speculation will bring gains. The months of September, November, January and May will prove to be highly significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 10:

Ruled by number 1 and the Sun. You are smart, intelligent, energetic, friendly and highly dignified person. Businessmen will invest in more profitable ventures. Promising contacts will build through social get-togethers and traveling. Your spouse will be quite cooperative and shower her full love and affection upon you despite your erratic behavior towards her. An infatuation within the group will keep you in high spirits for some time but it will not be long lasting. Unexpected help from a distant relative will give a major boost to your career. The months of August, December, March and April will prove to be highly significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 11:

Ruled by number 2 and the Moon. You are simple, honest, cooperative, love peace and harmony. A pleasure trip to an exotic destination would be high on your agenda. Also during this period, you will establish new contacts and fruitful partnerships. Your spouse would be supportive to your concerns and provide you with love and affection, but children might take advantage of your generous behaviour and cause some disappointment. But despite all goodies, minor tensions and stress will always bother you especially concerning health of your parents and increase in household expenditure. August, December and April seem to be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 12:

Ruled by number 3 and the planet Jupiter. You are ambitious, dignified, independent and kind hearted. The coming year sees new ideas and plans materializing. Perfect year that will improve your earning power and let you establish important relationships. Spouse will provide love and care, but behave highly possessive and unpredictable. A journey preferably to a distant location towards the yearend cannot be ruled out. Support from your seniors and colleagues, will boost your morale and generate new confidence. Overseas assignments for some will be lucrative. The month of September, November, January and May will prove to be highly result oriented.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January 13:

Ruled by number 4 and the planet Uranus. You are active, practical, enthusiastic, authoritative and energetic. Your charisma and outgoing personality will bring you popularity and win you favours. Spouse and children will look after you well, but be highly demanding at times. Wedding bells for some in the last quarter of the year while others will find romance to keep them in the right spirit and good mood. Home front will be peaceful with family members extending all possible help and cooperation. The months of October, January and June will prove to be important and eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January14:

Ruled by number 5 and the planet Mercury. You are practical, sharp, dignified, sensitive, original and dashing. Fame and fortune will be at your doorsteps provided you are able to grab the right opportunities. Gains from speculation is also quite likely. People looking for matrimonial alliances will find a suitable life partner. Health will show improvement despite the hectic hours that you might put in office. New relationships and attachments will develop bringing you good opportunities throughout the year. Foreign transactions or foreign trips for some. June, August and January will be eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on January15:

Ruled by number 6 and the planet Venus. You have a pleasant personality, sharp memory and you are fond of worldly pleasures. Legal matters are likely to be extended for much longer than expected and also prove highly expensive. Children will win laurels in their respective fields and will be supportive and understanding towards you. Journeys undertaken for work purpose would be beneficial and highly rewarding. Investment in a house and selected stocks recommended. Later in the year a distant trip maybe overseas bring new opportunities for growth and a chance to meet old associates. July, November, January and May will bring prosperity.



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