Love and Relationship Horoscope for May 21, 2022


Aries: Embrace your inner artist today and feel the creative flow of ideas. You have the chance to connect with individuals who share your interests in the arts. It’s possible that you’ll meet someone wonderful by going to an exhibition or simply hanging out with pals. This is a great day to have a good laugh, as it will help you feel better.

Taurus: Spend some quality time with the person you love. Both of you will be on the same wavelength. Participate in activities that the two of you like doing together, as this will help you to forge a strong connection and generate a lot of good will. Take a little drive around the neighbourhood, and just let your thoughts wander.

Gemini: The foundation of your relationship is frank and transparent communication, yet at times the words don’t flow. Today, you’ll discover that your heart is truly open to your partner. A potentially nasty scenario will be handled well by you. After you’ve expressed your emotions, your bond with your partner will become stronger.

Cancer: Be careful not to get yourself into problems because of your inclination for seeking out flaws in order to improve them. When you accuse your companion of a wrongdoing they would never commit, you’re taking this process too far. Make sure you know exactly what you’re saying before you point the finger.

Leo: When it comes to someone you’d like to become closer to, you appear to have a hard time deciding how you actually feel about them. Today, you get an opportunity to examine your feelings and may be startled to find they are both deep and intense, something you may have hoped to avoid. Don’t fight it out, better to speak up.

Virgo: In the near future, you may be able to indulge in some of the desires that you’ve been putting off. It may be time for you and your significant other to take advantage of today’s positive energy and make some of your dreams come true if your love life is currently lacking spice. Make an exciting plan and stick to it.

Libra: It’s possible that right now you’re debating whether or not you should trust your profound emotions which are urging you to communicate your feelings to a person who is significant in your life. You may spend as much time as you like mulling things over in your head and thinking about the various outcomes, but at some point you will have to just dive in.

Scorpio: To help you and your partner feel more secure, take advantage of the day’s relaxing and calming effect. Permit yourself to be carried away by the rise and fall of the romantic tide into a cocoon of dreams that fills you with both hope and purpose. Relax and let go of any tense situations that have lately arisen in your relationship.

Sagittarius: Today’s position of the planets lets you realise exactly how lucky you are to have come into contact with a person you can actually relate to. You sense a strong connection with this person and you’re able to connect with them on a deep emotional level as well as intellectually. No harm in taking this forward.

Capricorn: If you want to see the type of growth you desire, you’ll have to adjust your attitude toward a key relation. As tough as it is to endure folks who appear intent on remaining trapped in the past, today you seem to be equally stuck, if only this could be seen with clarity by you. Stay positive and trust the process.

Aquarius: Cleanse the environment around you. When dealing with those who are using you for their own gain, you shouldn’t be scared to establish some firm limits with them. This has the potential to significantly enhance your relationships with the people around you. You need to have a candid dialogue with the person in question and let them know how you feel.

Pisces: You will discover that you are the centre of attention in social situations today because to your endearing personality. You will have the impression that everyone is looking at you, and you will take advantage of this fortunate position. Enjoy yourself, but don’t allow the success go to your head. However, make sure that you don’t come across as snobbish.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779



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