Saturn’s Transit in Aquarius: Time for new beginnings in 2023


One of the most awaited transits of 2023, that of Saturn, is happening on January 17. After a gap of 30 years, Saturn will, once again, come back to Aquarius – a sign that it owns and prefers the most. Saturn is the planet of time and change; hence this planetary movement will bring about important changes in lives of all zodiac signs in 2023. Let us explore!

Aries: You will get enormous opportunities to rise in life. Your career aspirations will be fulfilled and you will get to hear some good news relating to job. Entrepreneurs should make some quick decisions to leverage favourable market sentiments in their respective sector. Your finances will improve. Your relationships will demand more of your time. If single, a new relationship is on the cards. Those married can plan to extend their family.

Taurus: This is a new dawn for you as you will see an overall improvement in your life situations. Your responsibilities will witness an upswing and you must be ready to take on new roles and positions. Your career will absorb most of your energy, hence it is imperative that you must finish all work on time. You need to work hard to give time to your loved ones else they will feel neglected. An investment in property will be beneficial.

Gemini: If you are open to new learnings in life, then this transit will fulfil all your dreams. All-around changes are on the cards and you must accept to move forward. On the career front, you will get a new job opportunity which will open up new horizons. Those in business should look forward to expand to new areas in order to get orders. Relationships will flow smoothly and travel is foreseen with family. Health issues should not be neglected.

Cancer: This is the time for transformation and acceptance. You need to introspect about your life and re-align your priorities as situations will demand a different outlook. This is a wonderful time for professionals who are engaged in the field of medicine and research. Some of you can get an opportunity to move abroad for work which should be grabbed. Be careful on the health front as you may need to undergo some medical treatment.

Leo: This is the right time to give expression to your entrepreneurial skills. If you had been planning to set up your venture, this is the time to do it. Look to collaborate your resources, ideas and skills to ensure you are on the right track. Those who are single will be able to meet their prospective partner. Those who are already committed need to take greater responsibility, else there could be hindrances. Health issues related to urinary system can emerge.

Virgo: You need to get out of your comfort zone and take things head on. If working, this is a favourable time to aspire for a new role and position. Speak to your boss and convey your readiness to lead a bigger team. Every area of life needs proper planning and due-diligence, hence plan your schedule well, else there could be chaos. Change your eating habits and hit the gym regularly to keep the energy flowing. Legal matters will go in your favour.

Libra: Your career demands an innovative approach to achieve the desired results. If you can re-align your current job role, this period will turn out to be a promising one. Those in business must make room for innovation in their product design or services to gain profits. Those who are single will meet a prospective partner and enjoy a blissful romantic life. If married, this is the time to expand your family. Students will achieve their academic goals.

Scorpio: Look at your happiness from a fresh perspective and re-orient your life goals. You need to devote more time to your domestic matters and resolve any ongoing issues. This is a favourable period to invest in real estate or move into a new house. Take the blessings of your mother before initiating any new deal. A job change is on the cards. Those in the hospitality industry will make plenty of profits in this phase. Guard against chest infections.

Sagittarius: You need to probe deeper into your sub-conscious and bring up new ideas and desires that can motivate you. You may remain restless at times, but do muster up courage to take control of your life. Make the most of your time and energy by planning it out and avoiding pointless conversations. Explore the traveller within you and travel places. If working, you could learn a new skill. Business in tourism and travel will witness gains.

Capricorn: Reflect on your efficiency, sense of value, and financial situation. Growth in your wealth will be gradual but consistent. You should plan out your financial future and investigate possible means of expansion. Your loved ones will always encourage you, but they may also want you to spend time with them. Professionals in the financial sector will be privy to unprecedented expansion. You could see a change in your eating habits.

Aquarius: Now is a great moment to prioritise your health and sense of self-worth. If you are unhappy with your appearance, it is time to commit to a new fitness routine. You can feel down on yourself and lack confidence at first. But in time, you’ll grow up and be prepared to shoulder more responsibilities. At work, you can be given the opportunity to take on a larger, previously unaccomplished endeavour. Overseas travel is on the cards.

Pisces: You may be preoccupied with questions about the purpose of your life. It’s possible to feel lost at times, yet developing your spirituality will lead you to your true purpose. It’s time to confront your deepest fears. Those in job should be ready for the possibility of an unexpected job change by securing alternate employment arrangements. Those in business must make investments to expand. Working abroad is a strong possibility.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779



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