Birthday Horoscope: Annual predictions for those born between Dec 10 to Dec 18


Birthday Thought for those born on Dec 10:

Your Ruling Influences no. is 1 and the Sun. Profits from selective speculation and unexpected gains will improve your financial position much beyond your wildest dreams. This year will bring you many opportunities to fulfill your dreams. Also, during this period you will establish new contacts and fruitful partnerships. Your spouse would be most supportive towards you and lavish all love and affection on you. Your Significant Months are April August and December

Birthday Thought for those born on Dec 11:

Your Ruling Influences no. is 2 and the planet Moon. You are full of new and innovative ideas and a perfectionist in whatever work you undertake. Your long cherished desires are likely to be fulfilled this year. New sources of income will open up for you. Investment in a house and selected stocks is recommended. This year promises to bring in many new challenges and rewards for you on the professional front. Your Significant Months are January July, November, and December, which will bring prosperity for you.

Birthday Thought for those born on Dec 12:

Your Ruling Influences no. is 3 and the planet Jupiter. You are ambitious, dignified, independent and kind-hearted. You enjoy a good position and respect at your workplace. You will enjoy excellent health despite the hectic work schedule you will be subjected to. This would be a good year for you financially. Investments made wisely will bring in handsome returns for you. People looking for matrimonial alliances will find suitable life partners. Your Significant Months are February June, August, which will be highly eventful.

Birthday Thought for those born on Dec 13:

Your Ruling Influences no. is 4 and the planet Uranus. You are practical, enthusiastic, level-headed and a veritable storehouse of energy. Health of your spouse may cause concern and anxiety for you. Promotions and increments are very high on the cards for some. Sportsmen and artists can look forward to winning laurels towards the end of the year. Your Significant Months are February, July, November and December.

Birthday Thought for those born on Dec 14:

Your Ruling Influences no. is 5 and the planet Mercury. You are practical, original and have a dashing nature. You are friendly and very helpful. A very promising period starts this year. Those of you who like to dabble in the stock market will benefit financially. This is also a good time to invest in real estate. You are likely to undertake a pilgrimage or a long journey during this year. Your Significant Months are March, June September and November.

Birthday Thought for those born on Dec 15:

Your Ruling Influences no. is 6 and the planet Venus. You need to pay more attention to your health. Meditation and Yoga, if practiced regularly, can greatly help the healing process. This year, your investment in stocks would bring in spectacular returns for you. This period is good for taking important professional decisions. You shall gather knowledge, information and establish new and long lasting contacts. Businessmen will expand into new and more profitable . Your Significant Months are April, August, and October, which will be eventful

Birthday Thought for those born on Dec 16:

Your Ruling Influence no. is 7 and the planet Neptune, You are energetic, ambitious, and independent and blessed with a sharp memory. This year, your financial health will improve significantly. However, you have to reckon with the increased expenditure as well. Highly promising employment opportunities would open up for some of you. Your Significant Months are February April and September.

Birthday Thought for those born on Dec 17:

Your Ruling Influences no. is 8 and the planet Saturn. You are dynamic, practical, responsible, hardworking, and highly disciplined. Adopt a healthy dietary and proper fitness regime and things will sure improve. Despite a few ‘starting’ problems earlier in the year, your financial position will significantly improve as you start undertaking new money-making projects. Financial difficulties may disturb the atmosphere at the domestic front. Your Significant Months are March, August and December.

Birthday Thought for those born on Dec 18:

Your Ruling Influence no. is 9 and the planet Mars. You are dignified, sensitive, courageous, confident and a tactful person. You have a very helpful nature. New money making opportunities, investment in a house or landed property, will be highly promising. However, to fully encash on these, you need to be very prudent. Avoid speculation at all cost. This year, you will successfully complete many of your pending projects. The sense of relief will work wonders for your morale. Your Significant Months are February July, November, and December, which will be important.


Manisha Koushik, Dr Prem Kumar Sharma

(Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist & Vastu Consultant)



Contact: Panchkula: +91-172-2562832, 2572874

Delhi: +91-11-47033152,40532026


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