Is it your birthday between Sept 5 to 21? Check how the year will shape up


Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 05: Ruled by number 5 and the planet Mercury. You are practical, sensitive, friendly, honest, diplomatic and possess a sharp memory. Matters related to property will also bring you gains. Distant travel, for some will ensure pleasure and monetary benefits. Renovation of the house or construction related activities will also be high on your agenda. Chronic patients definitely need to be more careful about their health. Preventive medicines should not be avoided at any cost. The months of October, January, March and June will prove to be highly significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 06: Influenced by number 6 and the planet Venus. You are smart, active, independent, ambitious, charming and love peace and harmony. This year gains and rewards are certain but will require you to be completely focused on your goals. Period in the second half of the year will be much better for financial dealing, though partnership and joint ventures should be completely avoided. Romance will flourish and some lovebirds will even go in for a matrimonial alliance. Despite tensions and stress your health will be fine. The month of December, February and July will be eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 07: Governed by number 7 and the planet Neptune. You are active, energetic, brilliant, confident, vigilant and a shrewd individual. Stronger relationship will develop with people you associate at parties and clubs. During this period there will be an increase in expenses on entertainment, and you will also make valuable purchases for the house. Health will be fine in spite of hectic work schedule that you might need to follow for initial few months. The months of January, April, May and August will be highly significant and productive.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 08: Influenced by number 8 and the planet Saturn, you are energetic, disciplined, systematic, original and an authoritative individual. Your imaginative powers will stretch beyond what they generally do and bring you addition gains and rewards. Taking part in debates and interesting conversations will help improve your intellectual mind. Matrimonial alliances for some, while others will find romance to keep them going. Children will bring happy news later in the year. The month of October, December, February and May will be eventful months.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 09: Ruled by number 9 and the planet Mars, you are active, courageous, dashing, enthusiastic and highly diplomatic person. You will have to deal with government agencies and people at higher places, who will be slow in providing results, which will prove frustrating at times. But important contacts that you establish during this phase will be helpful in the long run. Foreign education or travel for some seems later in the year. New romance will shine for some, but unfortunately, it will be short lived. The months of January, April, August and September will be very significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 10: Ruled by number one and the Sun. You are independent, intelligent, sensitive, honest, imaginative and highly simple person. Businessmen will invest in more profitable ventures. Promising contacts will build through social get-togethers and traveling. Your spouse will be quite cooperative and shower her full love and affection upon you despite your erratic behavior at times. An infatuation within the group will keep you in high spirits for some time but it will not be long lasting. The months of October, December, March and August will prove to be highly significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 11: Ruled by number 2 and the Moon, you are a highly imaginative, warm-hearted, friendly and hard-working person. Improvement in your work environment and monetary position also seem high on your cards. Frequent travel will be undertaken which will prove highly rewarding. Don’t rely on people who make false promises. New job opportunities and promotions for some. The latter half of the year brings gains for those who dabble in speculation. You could also click a real estate deal at a throwaway price. The months of February, May, July and September will be highly eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 12: Ruled by number 3, and the planet Jupiter, you are practical, dignified, philosophical, methodical and systematic person. Your confidence and morale will be high as you gain favours from various people, both in govt. and private offices. New construction or major renovation likely towards the yearend. Health problems related to the eyes, and mouth cannot be ruled out. Take necessary medication without fail. The months of November, January, April and August will be highly significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 13: Influenced by number 4 and the planet Uranus, you are smart, confident, energetic, systematic, reliable and a studious person. Your efficiency and determination makes you achieve the maximum and stay ahead of others. Finances improve through gains from investments and ancestral property. Long pending legal disputes will finally be sorted out. A sudden influence of a person from the opposite sex will give a new and interesting twist to your life. Do not share your business secrets with colleagues or casual associates. Avoid lending and borrowing money. The months of December, February, June and August will prove to be highly productive.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 14: Ruled by number 5 and the planet Mercury, you are active, intelligent, sensible, systematic and highly courageous person. Unexpected losses are foreseen through speculation, therefore invest wisely. Work pressure will take its toll on your health. Eat properly and exercise to stay in perfect shape. Those who are in construction business, import /export or trading of garments can expect a sudden rise in profits. Pilgrimage towards the yearend seems likely. The months of December, April, May and August will prove to be very important.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 15: Ruled by number 6 and the planet Venus, you are energetic, smart, attractive, accommodating, diplomatic & highly practical person. Partnerships will be very alluring but definitely not recommended for the first six months. You need to be extra cautious before making any financial commitments or signing new contracts. Benefits in cash and kind will accrue later in the year. New romance will develop through social activities. Relationship with your spouse will be healthy and highly cordial. Some tension and anxiety due to health of your parents cannot be ruled out. The months of January, March and September will be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 16: Influenced by number 7 and the planet Neptune, you are trustworthy, affectionate, creative, sensitive and an emotional individual. Matrimonial alliance for some towards the end of the year, while others will find romance to keep them going. Children will win laurels and make you feel proud. Sportsmen, artists, scholars will scale new heights in their professional career. Pending legal matters will end satisfactorily, bringing you mental relief. Chronic patients will need to take extra care of their health. Meditation and yoga will help immensely. The months of October, December, February and June will prove highly significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 17: Influenced by number 8 and the planet Saturn. You are smart, practical, honest, disciplined, methodical and authoritative person. Pending jobs and projects will get completed to your satisfaction. Your health will be normal but health of a family member may become reason for stress and anxiety. A distant journey preferably overseas brings financial benefits and opportunity to meet eminent and influential people. The month of November, March, May and July will prove to be eventful.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 18: Ruled by number 9 and the planet Mars. You are intelligent, energetic, confident, enthusiastic and courageous person. Don’t share your ideas and plans with people you can’t trust. Businessmen will expand into new and more profitable ventures. Especially rewarding period for journalist, doctors and marketing professionals. Spouse and children will be supportive, but require your additional attention. Health of a near one, possibly a young infant may bring stress and tension. Wedding bells for those eligible. The months of December, February, April and September will prove to be significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 19: Influenced by number 1 and the Sun, you are authoritative, confident, determined, responsible and creative person. This year you should concentrate on your priorities and your efforts will definitely bring desired results. Unexpected gifts and presents from near ones and friends will keep you in high spirits. New plans and ventures will start on a positive note. Family front will be pleasant as children and spouse will provide you with love and affection. Health seems fine but even then, it is recommended that you avoid overeating and alcohol. The months of October, February, May and August will prove to be highly important.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 20: Ruled by number 2 and the Moon, you are highly imaginative, practical, emotional, honest, simple and generous person. This year you will be appreciated for making quick and correct decisions. Your approach will be practical and new assignments and tasks will bring favorable results. Investment will bring rewards, but dubious schemes will not be as lucrative as you might anticipate. Renovation or new construction should take place towards the year-end. The months of November, March, July and September will prove to be important and significant.

Birth Date Astrology for people born on September 21: Governed by number 3 and the planet Jupiter, you are energetic, honorable, ambitious, dignified and an intelligent person. This year your energy will be high and you will feel honorable to face any challenge. The middle of the year seems exceptionally good for those who are looking for a change in their career, as they will receive an excellent job offer. Children will win laurels at school and overachieve the expectations of their parents. Family members will gather around you providing you with love and affection. The months of November, April, July and October will be highly eventful.



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